Geofísica Internacional (2023) 62-2: 445 - 465

A Seismological Study of the Michoacán-Colima, Mexico, Earthquake of 19
September 2022 (Mw7.6)

S. K. Singh1 2©, A. Iglesias2*©, D. Arroyo3©, X. Pérez-Campos2 4 , M. Ordaz5©, C. Mendoza6©, R. D.
©, L. Rivera8©, V. H. Espíndola2©, D. González-Ávila3©, R. Martínez-López9©,
O. Castro-Artola10
©, M. A. Santoyo2©, and S. I. Franco2©


El sismo de Michoacán-Colima el 19 de septiembre de 2022 (Ms 7.6, Mw 7.6) rompió el límite NW
de la interface entre las placas de Cocos y norteamericana, causando daño severo a muchas poblados
y ciudades en los estados de Michoacán y Colima. El daño fue además agravado por una réplica de
magnitud importante (
Mw 6.7) el 22 de septiembre. El sismo principal inició debajo de la costa a una
distancia hipocentral de 22 km de la estación sísmica de Maruata (MMIG) donde las aceleraciones y
velocidades máximas registradas,
PGA y PGV, fueron de 1g y 28 cm/s, respectivamente. El epicentro
de la réplica más grande se localizó a ~30 km al SE del sismo principal. El modelado de falla finita del
sismo principal presentado por el Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos (USGS), revela una propa-
gación de la ruptura a lo largo del rumbo de la falla hacia la dirección NW con una caída de esfuerzos
estáticos Aos, of 3.7 MPa. Nuestra estimación de energía radiada,
ER, es 3.44x1015J, de tal manera que
ER /M0 es de 1.27 x 10-5 valor similar al calculado para otros grandes sismos de subducción cuyas área
de ruptura no se extienden hacia la trinchera.

El área que contiene las réplicas del sismo principal de 2022 se traslapa con el área de réplicas del
sismo del 30 de enero de 1973 (Mw 7.6). Los sismogramas Galitzin de los dos sismos registrados en la
estación DeBilt (DBN) localizada en los Países Bajos son razonablemente similares de tal manera que
pueden ser clasificados como eventos
quasi-repetidos. Por otro lado, el sismograma DBN del sismo del
15 de abril de 1941
(MS 7.7), cuya localización no se conoce bien del todo, aunque se sabe que ocurre en
la misma región, difiere sustancialmente de los sismogramas de 1972 y 2022, sugiriendo que el primero
rompió un área diferente de la del sismo de 1941.

Un análisis extensivo de registros regionales exhibe el efecto de directividad observada en los datos
de movimientos fuertes y en los cocientes de aceleraciones del sismo principal y de las aceleraciones de
la réplica mayor. La directividad explica la dependencia azimutal observada en los cocientes de PGA y
PGV, los cocientes espectrales, la distribución de PGA y la respuesta espectral a 2s Sa (T = 2s). Debido
a la directividad, los valores de
PGA, PGV y Sa (T = 2 s) en el Valle de México durante el sismo prin-
cipal y la réplica mayor fueron muy similares a pesar de la diferencia en magnitud de 0.9. En CU (el
sitio de roca firme de referencia en la Ciudad de México),
PGA y PGV durante ambos eventos fueron
de ~ 6 cm/s3 and 2 cm/s, respectivamente, valores más bajos que los esperados para el sismo principal y
más altos que los esperados para la réplica mayor.


Michoacán-Colima earthquake of 19 September 2022 (Ms 7.6, Mw 7.6) ruptured the NW end of the
Cocos-North American plate interface, causing severe damage to many towns and cities in the states
of Michoacán and Colima. The damage was further exacerbated by a major aftershock (
Mw 6.7) on 22

Palabras Clave: Sismo de

Michoacán-Colima. Sismos
Quasi-repetidos. Directividad.

Keywords: Michoacán-Colima

Earthquake. Quasi-repeated
events. Directivity.

Received: December 16, 2022; Accepted: February 3, 2023; Published on-line: April 1, 2023.

September. The mainshock initiated below the coast at a hypocentral distance of 22 km from the seismic
station of Maruata (MMIG) where peak ground acceleration and velocity, PGA and PGV, of ~ 1 g and
28 cm/s were recorded. The epicenter of the major aftershock was located ~ 30 km SE of the mainshock.
Finite fault modeling of the mainshock by the U.S. Geological Survey reveals a rupture propagation
along the strike towards the NW and yields a static stress drop, Aos, of 3.7 MPa. Our estimated radiated
ER, is 3.44x1015J, so that ER /M0 is 1.27 X 10-5 similar to other large Mexican thrust earthquakes
whose rupture areas do not extend to the trench.

Aftershocks of the 2022 mainshock overlap that of the Colima earthquake of 30 January 1973
(Mw 7.6). Galitzin seismograms of the two earthquakes at DeBilt (DBN), The Netherlands, are reasona-
bly similar so that they may be classified as quasi-repeated events. On the other hand, the DBN seismo-
gram of the earthquake of 15 April 1941
(MS 7.7), whose location is poorly known but occurred in the
same region, differs greatly from those of the 1973 and 2022 earthquakes, suggesting a different source
area for the 1941 event.

An analysis of the extensive regional recordings exhibits the effect of the directivity on the ground
motion and on the ratio of ground motion during the mainshock to the major aftershock. The direc-
tivity explains the observed azimuthal dependence of PGA and PGV ratios, spectral ratios, and PGA
and response spectra at 2s, Sa (T = 2s). Because of the directivity, PGA, PGV, and Sa (T = 2s) in the
Valley of Mexico during the mainshock and the major aftershock were about the same in spite of the
magnitude difference of 0.9. At CU (the reference, hard site in Mexico City),
PGA and PGV during both
events were ~ 6 cm/s2 and 2 cm/s, respectively, lower than expected for the mainshock and higher than
expected for the aftershock.


In the current public perception, 19 September is the date
when large, destructive earthquakes occur in Mexico. The
Michoacan earthquake of 1985 (Mw 8.0), which caused un-
precedented deaths and damage in Mexico City, occurred on
this date. The Puebla-Morelos earthquake of 2017 (
Mw 7.1),
which may have been the deadliest intraslab event in the
history of Mexico City, also occurred on the same date. So,
when on 19 September 2022 a subduction thrust earthquake
Mw 7.6) broke the Cocos-North American plate interface
along the coast of Michoacán-Colima, there was general
consternation and disbelief. The earthquake caused severe
damage to many towns and cities in the states of Michoacán
and Colima (EERI Preliminary Virtual Reconnaissance
Report, 2022). The largest aftershock (
Mw 6.7) that occurred
on 22 September caused further damage and panic. Both of
these events were felt strongly in the lake-bed zone of Mexico
City, about 450 km away. The Mexican Seismic Alert System
(SASMEX) performed well; the lead time for the arrival of
strong motion in Mexico City was about 2 minutes (

The tectonic setting of the area of where the 2022 earth-
quake occurred is shown in Figure 1. In the region, the ocean-
ic Rivera (RIVE) and Cocos (COCOS) plates subduct below
Mexico which forms part of the North American (NOAM)
plate. The boundary between the RIVE and COCOS plates,
as well as the relative convergence speed between the two
plates, are controversial. Bandy et al. (1995) suggest that
the subducted RIVE-COCOS boundary lies directly beneath
the southern Colima Rift (SCR) and is parallel to it (Figure
1). The SCR extends from the city of Colima to the Middle

America Trench and forms a part of the Colima rift. CO-
COS-NOAM relative convergence rate at 17.9°N, 104.0°W
is ~ 6.0 cm/yr in the direction 32.3°N (DeMets et al., 2010).

Subduction of RIVE and COCOS plates below NOAM
gives rise to large, shallow thrust earthquakes. Large earth-
quakes that have occurred in the region since 1910 are listed
in Table 1. The aftershock areas of the events, if known, are
shown in Figure 1. The locations of the 2022 mainshock
and its largest Mw 6.7 aftershock are also given in the figure.
We note that the epicenter of the mainshock falls within the
aftershock area of the 1973 earthquake (
Mw 7.6) outlined
by Reyes
et al. (1979) based on seismograms recorded on a
portable network deployed in the field.

The three largest subduction thrust earthquakes in Mex-
ico since 1900 have occurred along the Michoacán-Coli-
ma-Jalisco segment of the Mexican subduction zone. The
earthquakes of 3 June 1932 (Ms 8.2) and 9 October 1995 (Mw
8.0) ruptured the RIVE-NOAM plate interface, whereas the
19 September 1985 (
Mw 8.0) event broke the COCOS-NOAM
interface. The earthquakes listed in Table 1 caused damage
to towns and cities in the vicinity of their rupture areas but
two of them were also destructive to Mexico City. The earth-
quake of 7 June 1911 (
Ms 7.7) destroyed the town of Ciudad
Guzmán in the state of Jalisco. It also caused considerable
damage in Mexico City (Miranda y Marron, 1911-1912). As
mentioned earlier, the 1985 Michoacán earthquake caused
unprecedented damage and deaths in Mexico City.

In this paper, we present a source study of the 2022
earthquake and its major Mw 6.7 aftershock in the context of
previous large earthquakes in the vicinity, and discuss the
characteristics of the ground motion at regional distances.

107°       -106°       -105°       -104°       -103°       -102°

Figure 1. Tectonic map of the region (modified from Bandy et al., 1995; Singh et al., 2003). RT: Rivera Transform, EPR: East Pacific Rise,
RCPB: Rivera Cocos Plate Boundary, SCR: Southern Colima Rift, CCG: Colima Central Graben. Ticked lines indicate areal extent of SCR
rift. The contours outline aftershock areas of large and great earthquakes. Black stars depict epicenters of the earthquakes whose aftershock
areas are not known. Blue stars with focal mechanism: 2022 mainshock
(Mw 7.6) and the major aftershock (Mw 6.7). Note that the mainshock
epicenter falls in the elliptical aftershock area of the 1973 earthquake.

Table 1. Large subduction thrust earthquakes since 1910 in the region of interest







7 June 1911





3 June 1932



8.2(MS), 7.9(Mw)


18 June 1932



7.8(MS), 7.8(MW)


15 April 1941





30 January 1973



7.5(MS), 7.6(Mw)


25 October 1981



7.3(Ms), 7.2(Mw)


19 September 1985



8.1(Ms), 8.0(Mw)


30 April 1986



7.0(Ms), 6.9(Mw)


9 October 1995



7.3(Ms), 8.0(Mw)


22 January 2003



7.6(Ms), 7.5(Mw)


19 September 2022



7.6(Ms), 7.6(Mw)

References and notes keyed to event number in Table 1

  • 1.   Location from ISC-GEM catalog; Ms from Abe (1981)

  • 2.   Location from ISC-GEM catalog; aftershock area from Singh et al. (1985); Ms from Abe (1981); Mw from Wang et al.      (1982)

  • 3.   Location from ISC-GEM catalog; aftershock area from Singh et al. (1985); Ms from Abe (1981); Mw from Wang et al.      (1982)

  • 4.   Location from ISC-GEM catalog; Ms from Abe (1981). Location given by Kelleher et al. (1973) is: 18.850N, 102.940W

  • 5.   Location from ISC-GEM catalog; aftershock area, Ms and Mw from Reyes et al. (1979)

  • 6.   Location and aftershock area from Havskov et al. (1983); Ms and Mw from Global CMT catalog

  • 7.  Location and aftershock area from UNAM Seismology Group (1986); Ms and Mw from Global CMT catalog

  • 8.  Location from ISC-GEM catalog; Ms and Mw from Global CMT catalog

  • 9.   Location and aftershock area from Pacheco et al. (1997); Ms and Mw from Global CMT catalog

  • 10.  Location and aftershock area from Singh et al. (2003); Ms and Mw from Global CMT catalog

  • 11.  Location and Mw from this study; Ms from Global CMT catalog

Our analysis is based on local and regional data as well as
teleseismic P-wave data. We also discuss the probability of
having observed three major earthquakes on the same day.

Epicentral recording

Maruata station (MMIG), located on the coast of Michoa-
cán and nearly above the hypocenter [(S-P) time 2.8 s], is

Figure 2. Acceleration, velocity, and displacement at the epicen-
tral station of Maruata (MMIG) during the mainshock. Circles in
the bottom frame show coseismic static displacement retrieved from
GPS station TNMR collocated with MMIG (Z: +25.3 cm; EW:
-3.8 cm; NS: -34.4 cm)

equipped with a broadband seismograph, an accelerograph,
and a GPS receiver. The broadband seismograms were sat-
urated on the S-wave arrival. The acceleration traces were
integrated to obtain velocity and displacement. Because
of the baseline shift in the acceleration, the velocity often
does not approach the expected zero level at the end of the
recording; instead records often show a residual velocity.
Integration of these velocity recordings without a shift
correction leads to unrealistic displacements. To correct the
shift, we selected a time,
Th after the end of the intense part
of motion and fit, in the least-square sense, a straight line to
the velocity data between
T1 and the end of the record. The
line at
T is then connected to time T0 which we choose at the
P-wave arrival. These two-line segments are used to correct
the velocity record, which are then integrated to obtain the
displacement (see, Singh
et al., 2020 for more details). We
followed this procedure in the integration. The traces are
shown in Figure 2. The
PGA and PGV on the NS component
are 1090 gal and 28.3 cm/s, respectively.

The GPS receiver at MMIG had stopped working 20 days
before the mainshock due to a problem with the solar panel.
The station was reestablished 4 days after the event. Succes-
sive measurements show post-seismic creep. Correcting for
the lost time series before the 2022 earthquake by extrapola-
tion and for the post-seismic creep, the estimated coseismic
static NS, EW, and vertical, Z displacements from GPS are
-34.4 cm, -3.8 cm, and +25.3 cm, respectively. These values
are marked in the bottom frame of Figure 2, which shows
the displacement seismograms. Not surprisingly, the static
displacement from GPS differs from that estimated from
integration. The MMIG traces are reminiscent of the epi-
central recording at Caleta de Campo (CALE) during the 19
September 1985, Michoacán earthquake (Mw 8.0) (Anderson
et al., 1986) with some differences: PGA at CALE during
the 1985 earthquake was much smaller (141 cm/s2; NS and
PGV was about the same (24.7 cm/s; NS), and PGD
was greater (78 cm; NS).

Basic source parameters of the mainshock and the
major aftershock

Since 2014, the Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN, Mex-
ican National Seismological Service) routinely calculates
and publishes Mw through W-phase inversion (Kanamori
and Rivera, 2008) using an algorithm modified by Hayes
et al. (2011) and revised by Duputel et al. (2012). For M >
5.2 earthquakes, the algorithm automatically gets triggered
10 minutes after the origin time and uses broadband data of
the SSN stations (Pérez-Campos
et al., 2019). It starts with
the preliminary, automatically obtained, SSN location and
magnitude, and looks for the best half duration and then the
best location. For the 19 September 2022 mainshock and its
major aftershock of 22 September we revised the routine
W-phase solution by checking and, if required,
updating the response files and eliminating data with obvious
problems. The revised solutions of the mainshock and the
major aftershock are listed in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.
The tables also give the source parameters reported by the
United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the Global
Centroid Moment Tensor (GCMT) project.

There are some differences in the focal mechanism and
seismic moment (M0) given by the three sources. For ex-
M0 of the mainshock estimated in this study and by
the USGS are nearly the same, 2.7x1020 N-m (
Mw 7.55) but
the value listed in the GCMT catalog is 1.7 times greater.
Henceforth, we shall take
M0 of the mainshock and the ma-
jor aftershock as 2.7x1020 N-m (
Mw 7.6) and 1.6x1019 N-m
Mw 6.7), respectively. We note that, with respect to the SSN
epicenter, the USGS epicenter is shifted by 44 km towards
N53°E for the mainshock and 29 km towards N36°E for the
aftershock. A consistent NE shift of the epicenters of Mex-

Table 2. Source parameters of the 19 September 2022, Michoacán-Colima earthquake


Lat °N

Long °W

Depth, km

Strike °


Rake °

M0, Nm









SSN W-phase CMT+
















USGS, W-phase CMT








(Mw 7.55)

Global CMT








(Mw 7.70)

* Depth fixed.

+ Based on an algorithm implemented at Institute of Geophysics, UNAM, which uses regional waveforms recorded on SSN
broadband stations. A grid search was performed for the depth and the centroid location.

Table 3. Source parameters of the major aftershock of 22 September 2022


Lat °N

Long °W

Depth, km




M0, Nm









SSN W-phase CMT+








(Mw 6.73)










se CMTx








(Mw 6.79)

Global CMTX








(Mw 6.72)

* Depth fixed.

+ A grid search was performed for the depth and the centroid location.

x Global CMT and USGS/NEIC source parameters last accessed on 06/12/2022.

ican subduction zone earthquakes reported by international
agencies has been documented earlier (Singh and Lermo,
1985; Hjorleifsdóttir et al., 2016).

Aftershock distribution

Aftershocks that occurred in the first 30 days (805 events with
coda-wave magnitude Mc > 3.5) are shown in Figure 3. We
determined CMT solutions of seven significant aftershocks
in addition to the major aftershock (Table 4). Focal mech-
anisms of the mainshock and the eight aftershocks (thrust:
five; normal: two; strike slip: one) are displayed in Figure 3.

Several features of the aftershocks are worth noting in
Figure 3. They overlap the elliptical 1973 aftershock area
outlined by Reyes et al. (1979). Relatively few aftershocks
occurred within the large coseismic slip area of the 2022
earthquake (see next section). Relative lack of aftershocks
over the areas of large slip has been reported for many
earthquakes (see Das and Henry, 2003 for a review). Most








0    20    40



L S 20/09/2022-2,

Mw5.7  „

J¡20/09/2022-3,      '   ;


-103.5°            -103°

Figure 3. Coseismic slip distribution for the mainshock, taken from the U.S. Geological Survey finite fault model (https://earthquake.
Epicenters and focal mechanisms of the mainshock and significant aftershocks
are shown in the Figure. Red dots: relocated aftershocks which occurred in first 30 days. Ellipse: aftershock area of the 1973 Colima earth-
quake (Reyes
et al., 1979). Aftershocks overlap the elliptical area. Note the concentration of the aftershocks to the SW of the epicenter.

Table 4. Source parameters of seven additional, significant aftershocks

Date, Time



M0, N-m





20/09/2022-1, 06:19:08








20/09/2022-2, 08:17:13








20/09/2022-3, 19:04:29








23/09/2022,  18:25:56








06/10/2022, 07:03:42








11/10/2022, 09:43:31








03/11/2022, 07:44:51








of the aftershocks of the 2022 earthquakes were concentrated
to the south of the mainshock epicenter and in the SE part
of the 1973 aftershock area. A similar concentration was
observed in the aftershock distribution in 1973 which led
Reyes et al. (1979) to suggest that the rupture initiated to
the SE and propagated to the NW.

Finite fault model of the mainshock and the major

We determined slip models for the earthquakes of 19 and 22
September 2022 using the rapid finite-fault inversion meth-
odology described by Mendoza and Martínez-Lopez (2022).

The method automatically assigns fault parameters based
on the earthquake size and derives a coseismic slip model
using teleseismic P waveforms obtained in near-realtime
from the Incorporated Research Institutes for Seismology
Data Management Center (

For the 19 September Mw 7.6 earthquake, we used the
hypocenter and moment-tensor source mechanism reported
by the USGS following the event (Table 2; earthquake.usgs.
gov/earthquakes/search/). The slip model for the shallow,
northeast-dipping plane shows two separate zones of high
slip: one downdip of the hypocenter with a peak slip of 1 m
and a second zone about 40 km to the northwest with a maxi-

Figure 4. a) Coseismic slip (in cm) obtained for the 19 September 2022 earthquake from the rapid inversion of teleseismic P waves. The
view is from the top of a 120-km by 120-km fault divided into 144 square subfaults. The fault strike, dip and rake are 287°, 18°, and 86°,
respectively. The star shows the hypocenter location. b) Fits between observed (solid) and theoretical (dotted)
P waveforms for an inferred
seismic moment of 1.9 X 1027 dyne-cm (
Mw 7.5). Numbers to the right are the peak amplitudes of the observed records (in microns). C) Az-
imuthal distribution of stations used in the inversion.

mum slip of 1.3 m (Figure 4). This result was obtained within
three hours of the occurrence of the event. The rapid P-wave
inversion methodology was also applied following the
6.7 aftershock of 22 September. We used fault dimensions
of 80 km by 80 km, the minimum size allowed in the rapid
P-waveinversion procedure designed to analyze earthquakes
of magnitude
Mw 7 or greater (Mendoza and Martinez-Lo-
pez, 2022). For this event, we used the epicenter calculated
by the SSN (Table 3;
and the focal depth obtained by the USGS.
The distribution of coseismic slip for the shallow-dipping
plane (Figure 5) shows a single 20 km by 20 km rupture area
with a peak of 1.1 m extending primarily downdip from the
hypocenter. Although the results obtained for both events are
preliminary, they provide a general overview of the locations
of high slip and the possible direction of coseismic rupture.

Figure 5. a) Coseismic slip (in cm) obtained for the 22 September 2022 aftershock from the rapid inversion of teleseismic P waves. The
view is from the top of an 80-km by 80-km fault divided into 256 square subfaults. The fault strike, dip and rake are 291°, 18°, and 90°,
respectively. The star shows the hypocenter location. b) Fits between observed (solid) and theoretical (dotted)
P waveforms for an inferred
seismic moment of 1.4 x 1026 dyne-cm (
Mw 6.7). Numbers to the right are the peak amplitudes of the observed records (in microns). C) Az-
imuthal distribution of stations used in the inversion.

Both inversions use five 1 s time windows to parameterize
the slip duration on the fault.

On 7 October 2022, USGS updated its previously pub-
lished finite fault model of the mainshock (http://earth-

The new fault model is based on the analysis
of a more extensive dataset: 41 teleseismic
P waves, 23 te-
leseismic SH waves and 55 long-period surface waves, and
observations from 7 high-rate GNSS stations and 11 static
GNSS sites. The model also uses the hypocenter reported
by the SSN (Table 2) to correct for the location bias. Figure
3 reproduces the USGS finite fault model. As this model
is based on a more extensive dataset, we shall use it in our
further analysis. In this model,
M0 and maximum slip (Dmax)
are 2.73 • 1020 Nm and 3.2 m, respectively. Following Ye
(2016) and Lay et al. (2016), we ignore subfaults with
D < 0.15Dmax as the low slip areas are likely to be poorly
resolved. The trimmed area, A, enclosing
D > 0.15Dmax, is
3600 km2.
M0 released over this area is 2.52 • 1020 Nm and the
average slip, <
D>, is 1.48 m. The relation Aos = (7n3/2/16)
M0 /A3/2), where Aos is the static stress drop (Kanamori and
Anderson, 1975), yields Ans of 3.7 MPa.

Moment-scaled radiated seismic energy, REEF, and
number of aftershocks

Radiated seismic energy, ER, for the mainshock, from te-
leseismic data, is 3.44 ± 0.13 • 1015 J (Me = 7.46). In the
estimation of
ER, we followed the methodology of Boatwright
and Choy (1986), and included a stronger attenuation correc-
tion for subduction earthquakes discussed by Pérez-Campos

Figure 6. Radiated seismic energy and source spectra for the mainshock and the largest aftershock. a) Source spectra for the mainshock,
obtained at each station, color coded by azimuth. The black solid line shows the geometric mean, and the black dashed lines, its confidence
interval. The inset shows the values of radiated seismic energy estimated at each station, color coded by azimuth. b) Same as a) but for
the largest aftershock. c) Source spectrum from the mainshock. The source spectrum from the source time function reported by the USGS
( is shown in black; the one obtained from teleseismic data
(this study), in blue; the patched source spectrum, as an orange dashed line; and theoretical source spectra with 1 and 3 MPa, as red dashed
lines. d) Source spectrum of the aftershock. The source spectrum obtained from teleseismic data (this study) is shown in blue; and theoretical
source spectra with 0.5 and 3 MPa, as red dashed lines.

and Beroza (2001) and Pérez-Campos et al. (2003). Follow-
ing Boore and Joyner (1997) we applied a correction for
generic hard site.
ER estimation shows a strong azimuthal
dependence that can also be appreciated from the moment
rate spectrum
(MRS) at each station (Figure 6). The larger
values are obtained at stations to the north, while the smaller
once occur to the south. We build the source spectrum by
patching, at low frequencies (< 0.2 Hz), the moment rate
function obtained from the source time function reported
by the USGS (
and, at high frequencies
(> 0.2 Hz), the source spectrum obtained from teleseismic
data. The resulting
MRS fits the theoretical spectrum from
the Brune source model (Brune, 1970) with a stress drop
of 1 MPa (Figure 6c). The moment-scaled radiated energy,
Er / M0, is 1.27 • 10-5, a value similar to those reported for
other large Mexican thrust earthquakes, which range between
1.0 and 3.3 • 10-5 with the exception of earthquakes whose
rupture areas extend up to the trench, e.g., Colima-Jalisco
earthquake of 9 October 1995 (
ER / M0 = 5.6 • 10-6) (Table
Er / M0 of the 2022 mainshock is close to the world-wide
average of ~ 1 • 10-5 (e.g., Ye
et al., 2016a).

For the major Mw 6.7 aftershock of 22 September, ER is
1.33 ± 0. 06 • 1014 J (
Me = 6.51) so that Er / Mo = 8.31 • 106;
in this case,
ER and source spectrum at individual station
do not show any azimuthal dependence (Figure 6b).
of the earthquake is well fit by a Brune source model with
a stress drop of 0.5 MPa (Figure 6d).

We computed radiated energy enhancement factor,
REEF, for the 2022 mainshock. REEF, a measure of rupture
complexity, recently introduced by Ye et al. (2018). It is
the ratio of measured radiated energy,
ER, to the calculated
minimum energy for a source of the same
M0 and duration,
Er/ ER-min. A smaller REEF value corresponds to a simpler
source and vice versa. The duration,
T, of the moment rate
function (MRF) of the 2022 earthquake from the USGS
finite-fault modeling is 32 s.
ER-min, corresponding to M0 =
2.73 • 1020 Nm and
T of 32 s, is 4.1 • 1014 J (Equation 1 of Ye
et al., 2018), which gives a relatively low REEF value of
8.5. REEF values are consistently low for southern Mexico
to Middle America subduction thrust earthquakes (Table
5; Ye
et al., 2018), reflecting the simplicity of the MRF of
the earthquakes along this segment of the subduction zone.

The relatively small number of mb > 5 aftershocks is also
a characteristic of large Mexican subduction thrust earth-
quakes (Singh and Suárez, 1988). For the 2022 earthquake
there were four aftershocks with
mb > 5 in 30-day period.
Table 5 gives the number of aftershocks,
N, in a 30-day pe-
riod with
mb > 5 and log (N / Ne), where Ne is the expected
number of aftershocks derived from regression analysis of

Table 5. Moment-scaled radiated seismic energy, REEF, and number of mb > 5 aftershocks in one-month period of large Mexican subduc-
tion thrust earthquakes (Modified from Iglesias
et al., 2022)



M0, Nm

Er / M0


N(mb > 5)#



1.28 • 1020


1.83 • 10-5






1.15 • 1021


5.60 • 10-6





Offshore Pinotepa

5.55 • 1019


3.34 • 10-6




20/03/2012 Pino-

1.88 1020


2.96 10-5




18/04/2014 Papa-

9.41 1019


1.03 10-5





7.04 1019


1.04 10-5





1.64 1020


2.39 10-5





3.64 1019


2.10 10-5












*REEF: Radiated energy enhancement factor (Ye et al., 2018)
N count includes mainshock as one event

+logNe = Mw - 6.34 (Singh and Suárez, 1988)

world-wide data: log Ne = Mw - 6.34 (Singh and Suárez,
1988). Log
(N/Ne) is negative for six earthquakes including
the 2022 earthquake and close to zero for the remaining
three. Thus, along the Mexican subduction zone both low
REEF and relative lack of aftershocks prevail. Similarly to
et al. (2022), we envision a plate interface that is
relatively smooth, containing discrete, compact asperities.
Asperities rupture smoothly, generating relatively simple
moment rate functions and low values of REEF. As the
rupture area and adjacent plate interface is also smooth
and homogeneous, there is a relative lack of aftershocks
mb > 5 level.

Comparison with earthquakes of 30 January 1973
(Ms 7.5, Mw 7.6) and 15 April 1941 (Ms 7.7)

From the aftershock locations, and the relative locations of
the main shock and aftershocks, Reyes et al. (1979) suggested
that the rupture during the 1973 earthquake began to the SE,
near the region of high aftershock activity, and propagated
to the NW. For the 2022 earthquake, the unilateral rupture
propagation to the NW is, of course, well established. In as
much as the aftershock areas of the 2022 and 1973 earth-
quakes overlap (Figure 3), and their magnitudes are similar
(Table 1), it is possible that the two events broke roughly the
same area, had similar gross source characteristics perhaps
even with similar source directivity.

We note, however, that the finite fault model of the
1973 earthquake constructed by Santoyo et al. (2006) using
P waves does not show a NW directivity. This
may be due to poorer quality and limited quantity of data
(8 stations) used in the inversion for the 1973 earthquake.
Even with far more data of better quality (20 stations) for
the 2022 earthquake, the inversion of teleseismic
P waves
yields a solution that is only a rough approximation of the
one obtained by the USGS finite fault modelling based on a
more extensive dataset (compare Figures 4 and 3).

For the 1973 earthquake, Reyes et al. (1979) noted that
M0 increased by a factor of about 2 as the period increased
from 100 to 300 s. They attributed this increase to possible
slow slip before or after the main slip or to unknown errors
in the estimation of
M0 at lower periods. For the 2022 earth-
quake, we computed
M0 from W-phase CMT inversion of the
regional broadband seismograms with different band-pass
filters and found negligible change in
M0 (Mw) with period
(Table 6). Thus, either the source processes of the 1973 and
2022 earthquakes differed or else the dependence of
M0 on
period for the 1973 earthquake was due to unknown errors.

Much less is known about the 1941 earthquake. Kelleher
et al. (1973) relocated the mainshock and two of its after-
shocks. This area roughly coincides with the aftershock areas
of the 1973 and 2022 earthquakes.

To test whether the 1941, 1973, and 2022 earthquakes
ruptured roughly the same area, we compared their Galitzin
seismograms (Z component) at DBN. We note that repeating
events have the same rupture area and slip and give rise to
identical seismograms.

The 1941 and 1973 analog records were vectorized and
the time series was sampled at an evenly time interval using
TIITBA-GUI (Corona-Fernández and Santoyo, 2022). Gal-
itzin record of the 2022 earthquake was synthesized from
broadband DBN seismogram as the operation of the Galitzin
seismograph was discontinued in December 1994 (Dost
and Haak, 2006). We first note that the three events have
complex P waves that bear some resemblance (Figure 7).

Table 6. Sensitivity of W-phase solution of the 2022 mainshock to
the band-pass filter setting. Centroid depth and epicenter fixed to
that reported by the SSN (Table 2). Dip is fixed at 150. Note that
is nearly independent of the band-pass (BP) filter setting

Band pass






2.0 - 4.0




2.5 - 5.0




3.0 - 6.0




3.5 - 7.0




4.0 - 8.0




4.5 - 9.0




5.0 - 10.0




Figure 7. P wave on the DeBilt (DBN) Galitzin seismogram (Z-com-
ponent) of the Michoacán-Colima earthquakes of 2022, 1973, and
1941. Complexity of the
P wave is similar for the three earthquakes.

In Figure 8, the seismograms of 2022 and 1973 are com-
pared over three different time windows. The waveforms
are clearly not identical. Our tests, however, show that the
surface waves on the Galitzin seismograms at DBN of events
along the Mexican subduction zone which are 20 to 30 km
apart greatly differ from each other (Singh et al., 2022). In
as much as the character of the surface waves from the 1973
and 2022 earthquakes are similar (bottom frame, Figure 8),
we surmise that the rupture areas of the two events were
less than 30 km apart. From the similarity of the aftershock
areas, the waveforms at DBN, and the magnitudes of the
2022 and 1973 earthquakes, we conclude that they were
quasi-repeated events. In other words, these two events may
have ruptured roughly the same area. If so, the return period
was 50 years. We recall that the finite fault modeling yields
an average slip of about 1.48 m for the 2022 earthquake.
As the plate convergence rate is 6.0 cm/yr (DeMets
et al.,
2010), this gives a coupling ratio of 0.49.

The Galitzin seismograms of 2022 and 1941, shown in
Figure 9, exhibit little resemblance. The difference is marked
in the character of the surface waves (bottom frame). Since
the waveform of the 1941 earthquake differs significantly
from those of the 2022 and 1973 events, it most likely did
not rupture the same area as the other two.

Directivity and azimuthal dependence of ground

As discussed above, a source directivity towards NW during
the mainshock is clearly seen in the results of inversion of slip
on the fault as well as in plots of MRS and ER as a function of
azimuth. A downdip directivity is also visible, albeit weakly,
in the slip inversion of the
Mw 6.7 aftershock. In this section,
we examine, in detail, the effect of the source directivity on
the ground motion at regional distances. The stations whose
recordings are used in the analysis are shown in Figure 10.

  • (a) Visual examination of the recordings

Figure 11a compares mainshock waveforms at stations CJIG
(azimuth 0 = 3080) and ZIIG (0 = 1090). The stations are
located at nearly the same distance but in opposite directions
(Figure 10). The shorter duration and higher amplitude of
the intense part of the motion at CJIG compared with ZIIG
strongly suggests a rupture propagation towards the NW. The
waveforms during the aftershock at the same two stations

Figure 8. DBN Galitzin seismograms (Z-component) of the Michoacán-Colima earthquakes of 2022 and 1973. The seismograms, displayed
in three time windows, are similar though not identical. The events may be classified as quasi-repeated earthquakes.

Figure 9. DBN Galitzin seismograms (Z-component) of the Michoacán-Colima earthquakes of 2022 and 1941 earthquakes. The seismo-
grams, displayed in three time windows, are dissimilar. The events, most likely, did not share the same source area.

Figure 10. Some of the regional SSN stations whose recordings are analyzed in this study. PZIG is located in CU, Mexico City. Blue arrow
near the station MMIG indicates the direction of rupture propagation during the 2022 mainshock.

are shown in Figure 11b. The accelerations, in this case,
are higher at ZIIG (which may be due to site effect) than
at CJIG, while velocities and displacements are about the
same. These waveforms do not support along strike direc-
tivity during the major aftershock; rupture propagation to
the east is certainly viable.

  • (b) Spectral ratios of the mainshock to the aftershock
    ground motions

Under the assumption that the mainshock and the after-
shock are collocated and have similar focal mechanisms,
the spectral ratio of the ground motion at a given station
provides the ratio of their moment rate spectrum, MRS. In
the absence of directivity, the
MRS is expected to be inde-
pendent of azimuth. Figures 12a,b,c,d illustrate the spectral
ratios at selected stations, each frame comprising stations in
a range of azimuth with respect to the mainshock directivity.
Frame (a): rupture propagating towards the stations; frame

  • (b) : station perpendicular to the rupture propagation; frame

  • (c) and (d): rupture propagating away from the station. The
    spectral ratios were computed for each of the three compo-
    nents of the ground motion. The figures also show the geo-
    metric mean of the ratios in each frame. For reference, the
    theoretical spectral ratio corresponding to Brune or source
    model (Brune, 1970) with constant stress drop of 3 MPa is
    included in each frame.

A strong dependence of the ratios on azimuth is immedi-
ately obvious. With respect to the theoretical spectral ratio,
the observed ratios are higher in frame (a), about the same
in frame (b), but lower in both frames (c) and (d). Directivity
towards NW during the mainshock and an absence of ESE
directivity during the aftershock are consistent with the

(c) PGA and PGV ratios of mainshock to aftershock
The directivity effect should also be reflected in the azimuthal
dependence of
PGA and PGV ratios of the mainshock to the
aftershock. Horizontal and vertical
PGA ratios, plotted in
Figure 13 a, are a strong function of station azimuth
p but not
of distance
R. Here, horizontal PGA = [(An2 + Ae2) / 2]1/2,


CJIG, A=230km; <p=308°

ZIIG, A=208km; ^=109°


CJIG, A=257km; <p=332°

ZIIG, A=190km; <p=102°







’n au


■ X



- r


- 1 ‘

w 10

- F


- * if"**1 ' '


\ 40



A.-JL.Ua     . _




-II II        liliUtaflrfw -........



- 1

o 5






- 1



AF , ,


40     80     120

40     80     120

2 0

40     80     120

2 0

40     80     120














OT    1.0


u 0.5






o 5


0 5

1                 ill 1 1 1 1_1

40     80     120

40     80     120

2 5

40     80     120

2 5

40     80     120









g 10


s 1.0












Z         A     .




1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0      40     80     120         0      40     80     120               0      40     80     120         0      40     80     120

Time, s                     Time, s                          Time, s                     Time, s

Figure 11. (a) Comparison of mainshock waveforms at stations CJIG (azimuth $ = 3080) and ZIIG (^ = 1090). The stations are located at
nearly the same epicentral distance but in the opposite direction (Figure 10). (b) Same as (a) but for the
Mw 6.7 aftershock.

Figure 12. Spectral ratio of ground motion at selected stations during the mainshock to the Mw 6.7 aftershock. Frames (a) to (d) show the
ratios at stations grouped in azimuthal range. The Figures also show geometric mean of the ratios in each frame. For reference, theoretical
spectral ratio corresponding to Brune
m2 source model are included (see text).

where AN and AE are maximum accelerations on NS and EW
components. The ratios rapidly decrease from about 12 to 3
at stations in the azimuthal range 300° <   < 360°. These

stations are in the forward direction for the mainshock and,
possibly, in the backward direction for the aftershock. The
ratio slowly decreases from about 3 to 1 in the range 0° <
< 115°. Stations in this azimuthal range are in the backward
direction for the mainshock and, probably, in the forward
direction for the aftershock. Again, the ratios in the figure
are in agreement with the directivity of the two earthquakes.
The effect of the directivity on the PGA ratios is better ap-
preciated by comparing them with the horizontal
PGA ratio
of 2.5 expected from the ground motion prediction equation
(GMPE) for Mexican subduction thrust earthquakes of
Mw 7.6
Mw 6.7 (Arroyo et al. 2010).

PGV ratios, shown in Figure 13b, follow the same trend
as the
PGA ratios. However, the maximum PGV ratios in
the azimuthal range 300° <  < 360° exceed 20.

  • (d) PGA and response spectral amplitudes as function
    of azimuth and distance

PGA and Sa (T=2 s) for the mainshock and the aftershock are
plotted in Figure 14 as a function of the closest distance from
the fault surface,
Rrup. Only stations with Rrup < 600km are
included in the figure. The stations are grouped in 3 bins as
a function of their azimuth: bin 1: 3300 <
y < 300; bin 2: 300
< < 900; bin 3 : 900 < < 1200. All data, except one, are
contributed by stations at Rrup > 120 km. Superimposed on
the data are the predicted curves from the GMPE of Arroyo
et al. (2010). We note that: (i) In general, PGA values are
above the predicted curves for both events irrespective of
the bin. (ii) Sa (T=2 s) values for the aftershock in all bins
are greater than the predicted curve. The values are smaller
than predicted in bin 3 for the mainshock, consistent with
its NW source directivity.

Ground motion in the Valley of Mexico

Since there was a difference of 0.9 in the magnitude of the
mainshock and the major, Mw 6.7 aftershock, it was surprising
that they were felt with nearly equal intensity in the Valley
of Mexico. At CU, a hill-zone reference site in Mexico City,
PGA on the NS, EW, and Z components during the
mainshock and the aftershock were (5.5, 4.5, 2.9 gal) and
(6.3, 4.2, 2.5 gal), respectively. Was the source directivity
the cause of the similarity of the
PGA s?

A site-specific GMPE for CU from subduction thrust
earthquakes has been recently developed by Arroyo et
(2022). Figure 15 compares the observed Sa with the
predicted ones for
Mw 7.6 and Mw 6.7 earthquakes. As ex-
pected, the observed Sa curves are similar. Predicted Sa for
Mw 7.6 earthquake, on the other hand, is significantly
higher than the observed one. The converse is true for the


Figure 13. Peak ground motion ratios of the mainshock to the Mw 6.7 aftershock as a function of azimuth and distance. (a) PGA ratios.
Dashed horizontal line shows the predicted ratio of 2.5 for the horizontal component by the GMPE of Arroyo
et al. (2010). Station PZIG,
shown by a red dot, refers to a station in CU, Mexico City. (b) PGV ratios. The ratios are strongly dependent on azimuth and are indepen-
dent of distance.

Figure 14. PGA and Sa (T=2 s) during the Mw 7.6 mainshock (red symbols) and the Mw 6.7 aftershock (green symbols) as a function of the
closest distance from the fault surface, Rrup.

Circles: bin 1 (3300 < 9 < 300), triangles: bin 2 (300 < 9 < 900), diamonds: bin 3 (900 < 9 < 1200). Continuous lines are median predic-
tions from the GMPE of Arroyo et al. (2010).

o Mainshock Mw7.6

oAftershock Mw6.7

Figure 15. Observed Sa at CU, Mexico City, during the Mw 7.6
mainshock (red circles) and the
Mw 6.7 aftershock (green circles).
Continuous lines are median predictions (red:
Mw 7.6, green: Mw 6.7)
from the GMPE of Arroyo
et al. (2022). The trends are consistent
with rupture directivity away from CU during the mainshock and
towards CU during the aftershock.

Mw7.6Simulated -EGF Mw6.7

Mainshock Mw7.6

T, s

Figure 16. Median of Sa simulations at CU for a postulated Mw 7.6
event using the
Mw 6.7 aftershock recording as the empirical Green's
function. The observed Sa at CU during the
Mw 7.6 mainshock and
Mw 6.7 aftershock are shown for comparison.

Mw 6.7 aftershock: the observed Sa is much greater than
expected. The source directivity away from CU during
the mainshock explains the smaller Sa. Greater Sa during
the aftershock may be attributed to rupture towards CU.

To further appreciate the role played by directivity,
we used the CU recording of the Mw 6.7 aftershock as
an empirical Green's function (EGF) and synthesized
ground motion from a target
Mw 7.6 earthquake. A meth-
od developed by Ordaz
et al. (1995) was followed in the
synthesis. The stress drop, Ao, was assumed to be the
same for both events and taken as 3 MPa. The median of
Sa simulations for the postulated
Mw 7.6 event as well as
the observed Sa during the mainshock are shown in Figure
16. We find that an
Mw 7.6 earthquake with directivity
similar to the aftershock would have produced Sa at CU
about 2.5 times greater than the observed one.

Probability of having observed three major earth-
quakes on the same day

Let us estimate the probability of having observed what we
observed: three major earthquakes (M > 7) that occur on
exactly the same day in the last 120 years. Let's start with
basic data and an assumption:

(1) In central Mexico, an average of 0.46 earthquakes
occur with M > 7 per year; that is, on average one
every 2 years, more or less.

(2) We assume that, in time, earthquakes occur as a
Poisson process; this is relevant in order to know the
probability distribution of the number of events that
we would observe in any given year

It is not difficult to calculate the probability that, in the
span of 120 years, we would have observed 2 or 3 earth-
quakes occurring on the same day. On September 19, let's say,
but the probability would be the same if we chose another
date. Although the calculation is not difficult, it is easier to
calculate the probabilities by simulation.

Using a sample of 10 million possible realizations from
those 120 years, we obtained that the probability of hav-
ing observed 2 events on September 19 is 0.0103 and the
probability of having observed 3 is 0.0005154.They seem
improbable events. But, in reality, this is not the probability
that interests us. Deep down, it strikes us that we have had 3
major earthquakes on the same date, not specifically on 19
September. Indeed, if we had observed 3 major earthquakes
on, say, 24 May, we would be just as surprised.

So, the probability we are interested in is the probabil-
ity of having observed 3 major earthquakes on the same
date, not necessarily September 19. This is more difficult
to calculate with combinatorial analysis (there is a closed
formula, but complicated to apply), although just as easy to
calculate with simulations. We obtain that the probability of
having observed 2 earthquakes on the same date, whatever
it may be, is 0.98 and the probability of having observed 3
earthquakes is 0.18.

This is amazing. According to this analysis, it is extremely
likely to have two large earthquakes on the same date if we
look at 120 years at a rate of 0.46 earthquakes/year. And on
the other hand, the probability of observing 3 is low, but
not astronomically low. If the probabilities are that big, both
events should have already happened. Well, yes: before 19
September 2022 there were already 6 pairs of large events
that had occurred on the same dates and another triad of
events that occurred on 7 June (7 June 1911, Ms 7.7; 7 June
1982, 06:52,
Ms 6.9; 7 June 1982, 10.59, Ms 7.0). We just
didn't remember.

Why choose an observation period of 120 years? We
chose 120 years because, on the one hand, it is the period

Table 7. Probabilities of observing 2 and 3 events large earthquakes
in central Mexico on any date


time (yr)

Probabilities of:

Observing 2 on
any date

Observing 3 on
any date










(1900-2022) in which we consider that the earthquake cat-
alog is complete for M > 7. On the other hand, we chose
it because it seems that we would be equally surprised if
the first event of the sequence of 3 on the same date had
occurred in 1910, let's say, and not in 1985; but maybe we
wouldn't be so surprised, so we calculated the probabilities
for other lapses (Table 7). We confirm that, in reality, what
we observed was not so improbable.

Discussion and conclusion

There is evidence suggesting that the 2022 earthquake (Ms
7.6, Mw 7.6) is a quasi-repeat of the 1973 event (Ms 7.5,
Mw 7.6): their aftershock areas approximately coincide, the
Galitzin seismograms of the two events at DBN are reason-
ably similar, and the magnitudes are the same. Curiously, the
aftershocks of both earthquakes were also concentrated at
the SE end of the rupture area. This distribution of the 1973
aftershocks led Reyes
et al. (1979) to suggest that the rupture
during 1973 propagated towards the NW. This directivity is
certainly true for the 2022 earthquake. However, finite fault
modelling of the 1973 earthquake by Santoyo
et al. (2006),
using teleseismic
P waves recorded at 8 stations, does not
show the NW directivity. Also, an increase in the seismic
moment by a factor of about 2 for the 1973 earthquake as
the period increased from 100 to 300 s, noted by Reyes
et al.
(1979), is entirely absent from the 2022 earthquake (Table
6). These differences could be a consequence of increase
in the quality and quantity of data and improvement in the
analysis technique since 1973. It is also possible that the
differences are real and the details of the rupture process
of the two events differed even if their source areas were
roughly the same.

Reyes et al. (1979) suggested that the 1973 earthquake
may have been a repeat of the 1941 event (
Ms 7.8). Galitzin
seismogram of the 1941 earthquake at DBN, however, bears
little resemblance with those of the 1973 and 2022 events
(Figures 8 and 9) which suggests that the source region of
the 1941 earthquake was different from those of the other
two events.

A unilateral rupture propagation, along the strike towards
the NW, during the 2022 mainshock is a robust feature of
the finite-fault models. Azimuthal variation of moment rate
spectrum and radiated seismic energy estimated from tele-
seismic P waves also support the NW directivity. According
to the USGS finite fault model, the rupture area over which
the slip is greater than 15% of its maximum value (3.2 m) is
3600 km2 (90 km x 40 km). The average slip over this area is
1.48 m, which yields a static stress drop of 3.8 MPa.

If we accept that the 1973 and 2022 earthquakes ruptured
the same area, then the recurrence period is 50 years. For a
plate convergence rate of 6.0 cm/yr and perfect coupling, the
accumulated slip deficit in 50 years would have been 3.0 m.

If we ignore post-seismic slip, then the estimated coupling
ratio on this segment of the plate boundary, corresponding
to a coseismic slip of 1.48 m, is 0.49. This estimate agrees
surprisingly well with the GPS-derived coupling ratio for
this segment (Cosenza-Muralles et al., 2022a) and is slightly
smaller than the coupling of about 0.6 estimated from InSAR
and GNSS data (Maubant
et al., 2022). The post-seismic slip,
however, may not be negligible. Similar or larger seismic
moments than the coseismic moments were released in the
post-seismic slip following the earthquakes of 2003 Tecomán
(Mw 7.5) and 1995 Colima-Jalisco (Mw 8.0) (Cosenza-Mu-
et al., 2022b). The areas of post-seismic slip of these
two earthquakes partly overlap their rupture areas and, in both
cases, extend further downdip. These earthquakes, however,
occurred on the RIVE-COCOS plate boundary (Figure 1).
Characteristics of post-seismic slip on the COCOS-NOAM
plate interface, where the 2022 earthquake occurred (Figures
1 and 3), might be different, an issue that future studies will,
no doubt, address.

Our analysis of ground motions at regional distances
confirm the mainshock directivity to the NW. In our study,
we focused on the ratio of ground motions during the main-
shock and the major Mw 6.7 aftershock, thus minimizing the
site effect. These results can be interpreted by a strong NW
directivity during the mainshock and an ENE or negligible
directivity during the
Mw 6.7 aftershock. Because of the
directivity, the ground motions in the Valley of Mexico
during the 2022 mainshock and the
Mw 6.7 aftershock were
about the same in spite of 0.9 difference in their magnitudes.

It is well known that the source directivity has a profound
effect on the azimuthal variation of ground motion and,
hence, in the damage distribution (e.g., Somerville et al.,
1997; Koketsu et al., 2016). Directivity has been reported
even during small earthquakes (Boatwright, 2007; Calderoni
et al., 2013; Seo et al., 2022). Strong directivity was reported
during two moderate earthquakes in the Guerrero seismic
gap (8 May 2014,
Mw 6.5; 11 May 2014, Mw 6.1) (Singh et
2019). The recent Acapulco earthquake of 8 September
2021 (
Mw 7.0) had a strong NE directivity (Iglesias et al.,
2022). Directivity, almost certainly, played a major role in
causing damage to Mexico City during the1985, Michoacán
earthquake (e.g., Anderson
et al., 1986; Kanamori et al.,
1993). Similar to the 2022 event, the great Colima-Jalisco
earthquake of 1995 (
Mw 8.0) had a NW directivity (e.g.,
et al., 1997; Hjorleifsdóttir et al., 2018). Mi-
randa y Marron (1911-1912) mentions that the 7 June 1911
earthquake (
Ms 7.7), whose location is poorly known but was
in the Michoacán - Colima region, was very strongly felt
in Mexico City, causing considerable damage and leaving
40 persons dead. The intensity of the earthquake in the city
was much stronger than for earthquakes of similar magnitude
that occurred along the coast of Guerrero between 1907 and
1911. Isoseismic contours of the 1911 earthquake are elon-
gated towards the east. Eastward directivity towards Mexico
City provides a plausible explanation for the intensity with
which it was felt in the city. The earthquakes of 2022 and
others events mentioned above once again bring into focus
the importance of source directivity in the recorded and
simulated ground motion in Mexico.

Finally, we find that observing three major earthquakes
(M > 7) on the same day in central Mexico is not so im-


Data used in this study were provided by the Servicio Sis-
mológico Nacional (SSN, Mexican National Seismological
Service), Red Acelerográfica del Instituto de Ingeniería
(IING), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM,
National Autonomous University of Mexico), and Centro de
Instrumentación y Registros Sísmicos (CIRES). We thank
personnel of SSN, IING, and CIRES for station maintenance,
data acquisition and distribution. In the estimation of the
radiated seismic energy and the source spectra, the data pro-
vided by the following network were used: CU (Caribbean
Network, doi: 10.7914/SN/CU), G (French Global Network
of Seismological Broadband Stations, GEOSCOPE, doi:
10.18715/geoscope.g), II (Global Seismograph Network
- IRIS/IDA, doi: 10.7914/SN/II), IU (Global Seismograph
Network, GSN - IRIS/USGS, doi: 10.7914/SN/IU), NL
(Netherlands Seismic and Acoustic Network, doi: 10.21944/
e970fd34-23b9-3411-b366-e4f72877d2c5). The data was
accessed through the IRIS DMC. The research was partially
supported by UNAM, PAPIIT project IN108221 (S.K.S.).
X.P.-C. had a sabbatical fellowship from DGAPA-UNAM
and thanks the Seismological Laboratory at Caltech for
partial funding for her sabbatical.


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Editorial responsibility: Anonymous

* Corresponding author: Arturo Iglesias


Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico


Departamento de Materiales, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City, Mexico


Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, United States of America.


Instituto de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico


Centro de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Juriquilla, Mexico



Institut Terre & Environnement Strasbourg (ITES) CNRS/Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France.


Posgrado en Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, México.


Instituto de Investigación en Gestión de Riesgos y Cambio Climático, Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico.