Upper atmosphere research at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais of Brazil

R. Clemesha, P. P. Batista, H. Takahashi, D. Gobbi, A. F. de Medeiros, D. M. Simonich


Ozone and UV-B radiation anticorrelations at fixed solar zenith angles in southern Brazil

Ricardo André Guarnieri, Fernando Luís Guarnieri, Danieli Balbueno Contreira, Liana Franco Padilha, Ezequiel Echer, Damaris Kirsch Pinheiro, Augusta Maria Passaglia Schuch, Kazuo Makita, Nelson Jorge Schuch


Deceleration observed in the coronal mass ejection event of July 25, 1999

A. A. Dal Lago, R. Schwenn, G. Stenborg, W. D. González, A. L. C. de González, L. E. A. Vieira, E. Echer, F. L. Guarnieri, N. J. Schuch


The MEXART interplanetary scintillation array in Mexico

J. Américo González-Esparza, Armando Carrillo-Vargas, Ernesto Andrade, Román Pérez Enríquez, Stan Kurtz


Characteristics of coronal mass ejections in the near Sun interplanetary space

Alejandro Lara Sanchez, J. Américo González-Esparza, Nat Gopalswamy


Inferring the writhe of magnetic flux tubes from the evolution of active solar regions

M.C. López Fuentes, C.H. Mandrini, P. Démoulin, L. Van Driel-Gesztelyi


Numerical simulation of the cooling of a solar flare

César A. Mendoza-Briceño, Leonardo Sigalotti, Neyda Y. Añez-Parra


Time evolution of fine structures of a main sunspot in the SD108 and SD284 groups

Ernesto R. Rodríguez Flores, Ramón E. Rodríguez Taboada, Rafael Gámez Díaz


Reconstruction of the aa index on the basis of spectral characteristics

E. Echer, N. R Rigozo, M. P. Souza Echer, L. E. A. Vieira, D. J. R. Nordemann


Comparison between indices during geomagnetic disturbances

Patricia Fernández de Campra, Marta Zossi de Artigas


Diurnal variation of B parameters over Havana at low solar activity

Bienvenido Lazo Olazábal, Katy Alazo Cuartas, Miriam Rodríguez González, Alexander Calzadilla Méndez


GPS Total Electron Content measurements at low latitudes in Brazil for low solar activity

Aracy Mendes da Costa, J. Williams Vilas Boas, Edvaldo S. da Fonseca Junior
