The Oaxaca Mexico, earthquake of 29 november 1978: a preliminary report on aftershocks
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El área de réplicas del período del 1 o. al 12 de diciembre de 1978 para el temblor de Oaxaca (29 de noviembre, 1978; Ms= 7.8) se estima en 6000 km2. El temblor· parece llenar el tramo de quietud sísmico entre los temblores de 196.5 (Ms =7.6) y .1968 (Ms =7.5) solo parcialmente.
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- Academic society
- Geofísica Internacional
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GARZA, T. and C. LOMNITZ, 1978. The Oaxaca gap: a case history. U.S. Geol. Surv. Open-File Report 78-943.
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MASTERS, R. G., J. BERGER and F. GILBERT, 1978. Observations from IDA network of the moment tensor of the Oaxaca earthquake, November 29, 1978. Earthquake Notes, 49. DOI:
OHTAKE, M., T. MATUMOTO and G. V. LATHAM, 1977. Seismicity gap near Oaxaca, southern Mexico as probable precursor to a large earthquake. Pure Appl. Geophys. 115. DOI:
REICHLE, M., J. A. ORCUTT, A. REYES, K. PRIESTLEY and J. N. BRUNE, 1978. THE 1978 Oaxaca earthquake and. the 1973 Colima earthquake: seismic moment, surface waves and body waves. Earthquake Notes, 49. (See also this issue).
REYES, A., J. N. BRUNE and C. LOMNITZ,1979. Source mechanism and after-shock study of the Colima, Mexico Earthquake of January 10, 1973. Bull, Seism. Soc. Am., in press. DOI:
STEWART, G. and E. CHAEL., 1978. Source mechanism of the November 29, 1978, Oaxaca, Mexico Earthquake. A large simple event; (This issue). DOI: