Dynamics and mass balance of El Chichón crater lake, Mexico

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Dmitri Rouwet
Yuri A. Taran
Nicholas R. Varley


The mass balance of El Chichón crater lake is controlled by precipitations, evaporation and seepage through the lake bottom. The main non-meteoric source of water and Cl for the lake is a boiling spring (Soap Pool) discharging saline and neutral water with a variable flow rate from 0 to 30 kg/s inside the El Chichón crater. Variations in lake volume over time were approximately determined from digitized photographic views of the lake using an empirical relationship between depth of the lake and surface area, obtained after four bathymetric surveys. The best correlation between the observed changes in lake volume, Cl content and the measured flow rate of Soap Pool was obtained by a box-model for the Cl mass balance. Based on a trend in the Cl content of the Soap Pool water a model of a "buried" initial crater lake is proposed.

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How to Cite
Rouwet, D., Taran, Y. A., & Varley, N. R. (2004). Dynamics and mass balance of El Chichón crater lake, Mexico. Geofisica Internacional, 43(3), 427–434. https://doi.org/10.22201/igeof.00167169p.2004.43.3.968