Active segment of the 12 November 2003 Mw 5.6 earthquake at Salsipuedes oceanic basin, Gulf of California. Mexico

Leobardo López-Pineda, Luis Quintanar Robles, Carlos Isidro Huerta López, Héctor Enrique Rodríguez Lozoya


Bottom topography, recent sedimentation and water volume of the Cerro Prieto Dam, NE Mexico

Vsevolod Yutsis, Konstantin Krivosheya, Oleg Levchenko, Jens Lowag, Héctor de León Gómez, Antonio Tamez Ponce


Volcano-sedimentary stratigraphy in the Valsequillo Basin, Central Mexico inferred from electrical resistivity soundings

Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Alfonso Trigo-Huesca, Eloísa Téllez-García, Ligia Pérez-Cruz, Fabiola Méndez-Rivero, Valsequillo Project Team
