Dynamics and evolution of the lithosphere- results and perspectives of earth sciences research in México: Special Volume – Part 2

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J. Urrutia Fucugauchi


This number of Geofísica Internacional includes the second part of a special volumen on the "Dynamics and Evolution of the Lithosphere". The volume, which is edited as part of the activities of the National Committee for the International Lithosphere Program (ILP), constitutes the second volume published. The first, also consisting of two parts, was published in Geofísica Internacional, volume 25, number 1, p. 1-249 and number 4, p. 481 - 608 (1986). The first part of the present volume was published in volume 27, number 4, p. 463- 663 (1988); the appendix gives the list of the corresponding contents. The ILP was established by the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), with the objectives of constituting the major interdisciplinary research project in geosciences and to become a solid efficient link between the respective unions, the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) and the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS).

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Urrutia Fucugauchi, J. (1989). Dynamics and evolution of the lithosphere- results and perspectives of earth sciences research in México: Special Volume – Part 2. Geofisica Internacional, 28(5), 801–811. https://doi.org/10.22201/igeof.00167169p.1989.28.5.1323


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