Peer Review Process

Every paper will be evaluated by a “single” blind review. Authors are encouraged to suggest names of referees. Will be accepted after approval of the appropriate Associate Editor, at least two referees and the final decision of the Editor in Chief. Our editors are encouraged to include preferable external reserchers, nacional and internacional, as reviewers. If “Mayor revision” are suggested the paper will be automatically send to a second round revision. Authors will receive all the suggestions of the referees and the editors.

After receiving the comments, the authors have to make a Revised version of the manuscript and uploaded to the system with a letter explaining all the changes.

When the review process is finished the acceptance letter can only be granted by the Technical Editor, with the approval of the Editor in Chief.

The editor and all editorial staff have the obligation to keep complete discretion around the manuscript sent to the magazine. They can only exchange information with the author, reviewers and editors.

Open Access Policy

Geofísica Internacional is an Open Access Journal. Without any cost or registration the contents are shown as soon as they are published.

It has a Creative Commons license stipulates rules for the use of the material that is shown. In the case of this journal to use its content the following rules must be considered: that the corresponding credit be granted to the authors and the journal, that it can not be used for commercial purposes and that, when shared elsewhere, it must be shared with the same license.

Licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional


Digital Preservation Policy

The journal, thorugh its editorial committee, must set down mechanisms for the perpetual preservation of the information resources published on its official website.

This policy determine the preservation activities the journal carry out, through the people assigned each year by the editorial committee for such purposes, who, for this policy purposes, will be denominated the Preservation Team.

Information Backup

To guarantee the preservation of information, the Preservation Team will carry out the task of ensure the documents are completely stored in its own institutional infrastructure, with the aim of ensuring both the access and the long-term preservation of the content.

To backup the information stored in the journal infrastructure, the Preservation Team will carry out a backup activity plan that covers the next aspects:

  1. An integrate backup per semester from the journal to physical media that should be stored in a different geographic location than the current servers (main or subserver). This backup has to include the next points:

    1. Complete production enviroment software backup.

    2. Complete source code backup of the production enviroment software, including technical documentation

    3. Complete production enviroment database in the corresponding database server format.

    4. Complete archival and documentations backup.

    5. Database backup in text formato or SQL standard.

  2. The integration of a digital preservation model that includes:

    1. The generation of a unique bit string for each journal document, according to the good international practices asociated with a checksum.

    2. The generation of a report that notifies the administrator of each content or informatic document structure disturbance.

    3. The generation of multiple document copies on atleast two aditional journal locations, one of which must be an external system (for example, LOCKSS).

    4. A inventory system implementation that does not allow the generation of alterated copies generation due to a wrong documentation checksum, and allow restore copies without errors to replace imperfect copies.