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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The file is in Word (.doc, .docx) or Openoffice (.odt) format, double-spaced and with Arial 12 in its full version, including tables and images, with line numbering
  • The images are in 300 DPI, in JPS, EPS or TIFF
  • The bibliography is in APA format, with the URL of the cited references with DOI or by electronic address
  • The manuscript has not been submitted for review to another journal while being evaluated in Geofísica Internacional
  • The article has an abstract in English and Spanish that does not exceed 320 words
  • If the article is acceped and published, I agree to assign my copyright to Geofísica Internacional
  • Authors ORCID is included (obligatory)
  • Include a PDF file that accompanies the original file for a faithful reference
  • The tables are in Word format (or in Openoffice) and independently, clearly indicating their location in the text
  • The document is divided into sections: Title, Author(s), Summary and Abstract, Keywords, Presentation, Introduction, Development of the document, Conclusions and Bibliography, according to the theme of each submission
  • The document has the full names and ascriptions of all the authors. The affiliation has order: Institution, laboratory, area or department, city-state and country
  • The manuscript has the Sections and Subsections numbered starting from the Introduction, under the format: 1.Title; 1.1. Subtitle; 1.1.1 Subsubtitle
  • The article does not have a previous DOI even as a preprint

Since January of 2018 Geofísica Internacional accepts articles in English and Spanish. This was an agreed decision taken at the last annual meeting of the Unión Geofísica Mexicana.

All manuscripts should be send in PDF format (including adjoining figures) and uploaded to our system at http://ojs.geofisica.unam.mx/ojs6/index.php/RGI Figures should be included separately in your submission in TIFF, JPG or EPS format at a minimum resolution of 300 DPI (dots per inch).

The first page of the article and your submission to the system should contain the full title of the work, as well as the name and affiliation of each author and her or his postal and electronic addresses.

Each article must include an extended abstract in English not exceeding 350 words, an in Spanish not exceeding 250 words, along with the necessary keywords that accurately describe its contents. The keywords must be submitted in English and Spanish.

Each section of the document shall be divided in sections, each with its corresponding header.

Authors are encouraged to suggest names of referees and warn about any conflict of interest with a reviewer.

References: The accepted style of the references is as follows:

Severo (1994) carried out…

Haas et al. (2002) investigated…

…illite is the main clay mineral (Lüters, 1982).

The reference section of each article should be match the works quoted in the text in alphabetical order, eg.


Godinho L., Amado-Mendes P., Tadeu A., Cadena-Isaza A., Smerzini C., Sánchez-Sesma F.J., Madec R., Komatitsch D., 2009, Numerical simulation of ground rotations along 2D topographical profiles under the incidence of elastic plane waves. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 99, 1147-1161.

Memoirs or proceedings:

Nakamura Y., 2000, Clear identification of funda-mental idea of Nakamura’s technique and its applications, in 12th World conference of Earthquake Engineering, 2656, Auckland, New Zealand, 30 January-4 February.


Melosh, H.J., 1989, Impact Cratering: A Geologic Process. Oxford University Press, New York, 245 pp.

The International System of Units (m, kg, s, k) should be used.

Galley proofs. Only minor changes and modifications, such as spelling corrections or typos, are acceptable at this stage. Corrected proofs should be returned within seven days. The editor may approve an uncorrected proof for publication if no correction is received on time.