Balances de radiación y potenciales de productividad primaria en algunos ecosistemas terrestres de la Republica Mexicana

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W. Ritter Ortiz
M. E. de Garay
S. Guzmán Ruiz


Radiation balances (Q*) and net primary productivity potentials (NPP) are estimated from climatological data for thirteen locations with different vegetation pattems: Tropical deciduous forest, Pine-oak forest, grassland and "chaparral", in the Mexican Republic. Radiation balances are determined from temperature, relative humidity, insolation and albedo expected values, for the ecosystems considered. Net primary productivity potentials estimates are obtained applying Rosenzweig (PER1) Lieth and Box (PER2) and Lieth's models (PN and PT) which use actual evapotranspiration, precipitation and temperature, as environmental predictors.  When precipitation (PN) .and actual evapotranspiration (PER2) are used, productivity predictions match with observed values of equivalent vegetation types; consequently, productivity variations respond more clearly to water availability. Determinations of the heating coefficient as an index of ecological significance prove that it has a closer relation to atmospheric conditions than to the surfaces considered. The relationship between net primary productivity predicted from actual evapotranspiration and precipitation, and the aridity index, estimated from radiation balances and precipitation values, coincide with Budyko's conclusions, having the following expressions: PER2=2480.7 (IA)-0.7958, PN=2016.0 (IA)-0.83139.

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How to Cite
Ritter Ortiz, W., Garay, M. E. de, & Guzmán Ruiz, S. (1986). Balances de radiación y potenciales de productividad primaria en algunos ecosistemas terrestres de la Republica Mexicana. Geofisica Internacional, 25(2), 285–314.