Frictional damping of the tide in the Gulf of California

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G. Godin


An algorithm for the calculation of the scattered radiation intensity and the scattering and extinction efficient sections of a spherical and chemically homogeneous particle is described. A new expression for one of the angular coefficients of the Mie's functional series was deducted. The radiative properties were calculated for characteristic values of the physical parameters of the atmospheric aerosol's particles. The results show that the algorithm is useful for the most frequent atmospheric particle systems. This algorithm has a larger applicability compared to similar studies. The authors describe the fundamental characteristic of the scattered radiation field produced by spherical and chemically homogeneous particles.

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How to Cite
Godin, G. (1985). Frictional damping of the tide in the Gulf of California. Geofisica Internacional, 24(2), 295–313.

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