Mexican Volcanic Belt. Part 3a.

Main Article Content

S. P. Verma


This is the third part of the Special Volume on Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB). The first and second parts of the MVB contain each a total of nine papers published in Geofísica Internacional, Vol. 24, No. 1, p. 1-216 (216 p.) and Vol. 24, No. 4, p.459-708 (250 p.) respectively. Vol. 24 of Geofisica Internacional published a total of 708 pages in scientific articles. The MVB volume (parts 1 and 2) thus consisted of about 65 .8°/o of this journal. Beca use of the heavy reponse and large interest in the subject of Mexican Volcanic Belt, it has been necessary not only to prepare the third part ofthis series but also to subdivide it into two sections: 3A and 3B.
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How to Cite
Verma, S. P. (1987). Mexican Volcanic Belt. Part 3a . Geofisica Internacional, 26(1), 1–3.