Sismicidad y tectónica de la margen continental del sur de California (USA) y Baja California Norte (México)

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V. Wong O.
M. Legg
F. Suárez V.


The inner continental borderland of southern California and northern Baja California is extensively deformed and tectonically active. The main geological feature of this region is a continuous seismic activity and predominantly strike.slip faulting, corresponding to the San Andreas - Gulf of California tectonic regime. The geological structures of this region are typical of tensional stress. The spatial seismic distribution shows alignment with the major fault systems. The seismic distribution in time suggest two distinct patterns: the first pattern is of main shock-aftershock type and the second is of swarm-like sequences. The b-value (0.86) obtained is not much diferent from values obtained in previous regional studies. Due to the seismic-tectonic and structural features of the inner continental borderland, we conclude that this region appears to be capable of generating major earthquakes that might cause extensive damage to cities in both Californias.

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Wong O., V., Legg, M., & Suárez V., F. (1987). Sismicidad y tectónica de la margen continental del sur de California (USA) y Baja California Norte (México). Geofisica Internacional, 26(3), 459–478.


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