La secuencia de temblores del Valle de Toluca, México de agosto 1980
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Twenty nine small earthquakes in the magnitude range (ML) of 2.2 to 3.5 were located in the Valley 9fToluca, Mexico (19°12'N; 99°30'W) from August 18 to 31, 1980. This Pliocene plain part of the Neovolcanic Belt, is an area of characteristically low seismicity. The seismic activity is confmed to a zone 8 x 4.5 km. Focal depth of earthquakes vary from S to 23 km. The zone of seismic activity shows clearly two concentrations of earthquakes separated by a plane oriented E-W at 19°10'N. Events in the north clustering are deeper (18-23 km) as compared to events in the south (5-14 km). The distribution with depth of seismic foci suggest the existence of a number of blocks that step down toward the north. Probably the observed separation boundary at 19°10'N mark the contact zone between blocks. Even though it ~as not possible to obtain a unique composite fau1t plane solution the analized solutions are consistent with a normal faulting type.
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- Academic society
- Geofísica Internacional
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