Búsqueda de zonas con tectonismo extremo, teoría y una aplicación a la geotermia: Caldera Los Humeros

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L. Del Rio L.


A method which statistically analyzes some of the regional tectonic elements is presented. A quantitative definition of object alignment is given in an application to geothermics. The objective is to indicate, the principal fracture systems, the vulcanism characteristics of the region and to delimitate those parts of a region in which the tectonic processes have been the most, or least, intense. The entire selection procedure is treated in a quantitative way. The example region is limited by the meridians 96º y 99º0 and by the parallels 18º y 21ºN. It is localized on the East part of the Mexican Volcanic Belt and is cut by the Sierra Madre Oriental. Two successive applications of the method resulted in zones, 78 km2, with singularly intense tectonism, in the Center-South of Los Humeros Caldera and with high tectonism on Las Derrumbadas domes.

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How to Cite
Del Rio L., L. (1982). Búsqueda de zonas con tectonismo extremo, teoría y una aplicación a la geotermia: Caldera Los Humeros. Geofisica Internacional, 21(3), 265–294. https://doi.org/10.22201/igeof.00167169p.1982.21.3.826


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