Potential and perspectives of remote sensing of the ocean - Atmosphere interaction parameters
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In climate formulation very complex processes interact in the system "atmosphere-ocean-continennts-cryosphere". The problem of climate and its changes naturally and anthropogenically originated demands tracking of a wide set of parameters characterizing not only the climate if self but also the various feactures of the atmosphere, ocean, land and ice cover.
The criterion for the determinationof requiered set of parameters should be obtain through numerical modelling aimed at planning the global system for climate monitoring. the restrictions upon the observational data are quite varible and depend strongly on the climate model used.
An estimation based on the above consideration, is presented on the parameters that constitute the requiered set, precision, temporal and spatial resolution are also included. An analysis is made of the measurement possibilities of the actual system, of those already designed and those to be developed in the 80's. Finally, an evaluation is presented of the errors commited in the use of microwaves to determine ice cover and sea surface temperatures.
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- Academic society
- Geofísica Internacional
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