Mecanismo de los terremotos y tectónica / A. Udíaz, D. Muñoz y E. Buforn, eds.

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F. Alejandro Nava


The professor of Geophysics Dr. Agustín Udías V., attending to the scarcity of technical books on seismology in Spanish, edits, with two colleagues, this book, which includes conferences presented at the seminar "Mechanisms of earthquakes and tectonics" (Univ Complutense of Madrid, 1984).

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How to Cite
Nava, F. A. (1987). Mecanismo de los terremotos y tectónica / A. Udíaz, D. Muñoz y E. Buforn, eds. Geofisica Internacional, 26(3), 485–485.
Book review