Formación de grietas en la margen del antiguo lago al Oriente de la Cuenca de México

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J. Lugo Hubp
A. Pérez Vega
M. Rojas Salas


Between 1986 and 1990 wide cracks suddenly appeared in four different areas of the eastern margin of the Basin of Mexico. AH cracks were located in the lower part of a volcanic footslope, near the edge of tbe former lakes of Chalco and Texcoco, in agricultural terrains witb good underground drainage conditions. They appeared after heavy downpours. Sorne were up to 6 m deep and 1 m wide, and as long as 400 m. Their origin is related to downdraw of the water level due to pumping in weHs. It is assumed that the crack-forming process will continue.

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How to Cite
Lugo Hubp, J., Pérez Vega, A., & Rojas Salas, M. (1991). Formación de grietas en la margen del antiguo lago al Oriente de la Cuenca de México. Geofisica Internacional, 30(2), 87–95.