Data and software resources at the Satellite Situation Center

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M. Peredo
Ch. M. Wong
H. Kent Hills


The Satellite Situation Center (SSC) is a unit of the National Space Science Data Center at GSFC. A key goal of SSC is "to allow prediction of advantageous positions for a spacecraft, relative to: (i) magnetospheric or interplanetary features, (ii) the position of other spacecraft, or (iii) the position of ground facilities. The Center resources include data and software for plotting spacecraft orbits. The software emphasizes Earth-centered orbtts, but heliocentric displays are also supported. Detailed listings of key orbit characteristics as well as graphical output may be generated. Pre-computed mes with listings of wide interest are available online in a publicly accessible accounL Programs " are executed by SSC staff on request, but in the future will be available as portable software or executed remotely by users via network connections. Support to nonU. S. users is provided through the World Data Center A for Rockets and Satellites, co-located at NSSDC. The capabilities of several programs currently in use at the Center are illustrated. Finally, remote access to the Center is discussed.

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How to Cite
Peredo, M., Wong, C. M., & Kent Hills, H. (1992). Data and software resources at the Satellite Situation Center. Geofisica Internacional, 31(2), 135–144.