Evaluación de errores en el uso de los geotermómetros de SiO2 y Na/K para la determinación de temperaturas en sistemas geotérmicos

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E. Santoyo
S.P. Verma


A statistical study is presented in order to evaluate the errors associated with the use of the chemical geothermometers of Si02 (Fournier and Potter Il, 1982) and Na/K (Fournier, 1979) in the prediction of deep temperatures of geothermal systems. lt was found that the minimum errors associated with the direct use of Si02 and Na/K geothermometers are within ±8% (Si02) for temperatures between 137°C- 340 oc and ±29% (Na/K) for temperatures between 150°C- 350°C. Propagation of the analytical errors related to the determination of lhe ionic components shows that the errors associated with the geothermometers can increase up to ±33% for Si02 and ±31% for Na/K. Error values higher than those indicated in this study may be related to sampling techniques of the fluids or to the presence of geological-thermodynamic processes present in the geothermal system.

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How to Cite
Santoyo, E., & Verma, S. (1993). Evaluación de errores en el uso de los geotermómetros de SiO2 y Na/K para la determinación de temperaturas en sistemas geotérmicos. Geofisica Internacional, 32(2), 287–298. https://doi.org/10.22201/igeof.00167169p.1993.32.2.562
Special Issue