Reconocimiento morfotectónico de una falla reciente de tipo transcurrente en Colima, México
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Right-laterals strike-slip displacement is dcmostrated for an important fault of thc south-central region of thc State of Colima, in Mexico. The fault's pattern has WNW -ESE oricntation and extends clearly along 17 kilomcters. In the western region its horizontal movement determined the oblique position of the Sierra de Cofradía de Juárez mountainous axis, and displaces the fluvial bed of the Armería river. Aerophotographical methods ami other geo;malytical proceedings werc used to map this morpho-structurallineament. Striac showing the direction of recent movement were observed in a si te where the fault displaces old scdiments. The main geomorphic characteristics associated to the fault are also describcd: diverted drainage, fault scarp, entrenched and asymmetrical valley, displacement of mountainous watershed and the possible existence of a traction horst. These features evidence a right-lateral movement, whose relative magnitude is higher than 3200 meters. The fault is important since it belongs to the regional tecto-volcanic complex of the Colima volcano.
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- Academic society
- Geofísica Internacional
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