Disturbances in the geomagnetic field, water level and atmospheric pressure associated with Mw ≥ 6.6 earthquakes in the South Atlantic Ocean

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María Alejandra Arecco
Patricia A. Larocca
Fernando A. Oreiro
Mónica María Elisa Fiore
Lidia A. Otero
María Florencia Canero


This paper is aimed at studying disturbances in the earth’s geomagnetic field (GMF), water level (WL) and sea-level atmospheric pressure (AP) associated with Mw≥ 6.6 seismic events in the in the Scotia arch, in the South Atlantic. GMF records from observatories of the International Magnetic Observatory Network (INTERMAGNET), WL records from tide stations of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, and hourly AP records from databases of the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration have been analyzed in the area under study. For the analysis of geomagnetic disturbances, the GMF horizontal component (H), which is more susceptible to variations, was considered. For the WL analysis, the discrepancy (residue) between the WL time series from tide stations and the predicted level of astronomical tides, for a 10-day period before and after the occurrence of each earthquake, was calculated. For the AP analysis, the variation of data gridded between 1 and 2 hours before and after the earthquake was calculated. The analysis of the geomagnetic data prior to the seismic event, using a high-pass filter and the wavelet method, showed: a) high energy ranges in all frequencies, even in very high ones; and b) oscillations in the filter with amplitude peaks of ± 0.2 nT, and with an anticipation and duration consistent with the wavelet method. As regards the WL residues calculated, there were oscillations in the largest amplitudes in the sensors located closest to the earthquake, thus, those large amplitudes corresponded to shorter times of arrival. The AP study showed a maximum followed by a local minimum within a range of ± 0.3 hPa around the location of the earthquake. While the GMF analysis anticipated seismic events within a range of 6-2 hours, the techniques used for WL and AP could detect Mw>7 earthquakes, associating them with the rising/falling surface of the sea. These three techniques can be used jointly to implement a prevention or early warning system for seismic events in the region under study.

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How to Cite
Arecco, M. A., Larocca, P. A., Oreiro, F. A., Fiore, M. M. E. ., Otero, L. A. ., & Canero, M. F. (2023). Disturbances in the geomagnetic field, water level and atmospheric pressure associated with Mw ≥ 6.6 earthquakes in the South Atlantic Ocean. Geofisica Internacional, 62(3), 543–561. https://doi.org/10.22201/igeof.2954436xe.2023.62.3.1440
Author Biographies

María Alejandra Arecco, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ingeniería, Instituto de Geodesia y Geofísica Aplicadas. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Experticia en CyT: Se especializa en la investigación geodésica y
geofísica de la plataforma y margen continental argentino, a partir,
de estudios sobre los campos potenciales. Tiene amplia experiencia
en la inversión de campos potenciales y en la interpretación sísmica
marina. Además, ha desarrollado estudios geodésicos en ámbitos
marinos y costeros desarrollando modelos geoidales. Realiza trabajos
de evolución de la línea de costa a partir de imágenes. Además, se ha
especializado en temas que hacen a la Defensa Nacional como en la
aplicación del art. 76 de la CONVEMAR, desarrollando una
metodología de respaldo para la aplicación de la evidencia en
contrario para la Presentación de la determinación del Límite
Exterior en la Plataforma Continental Argentina ante la ONU. Está
desarrollando estudios de caracterización geofísica de la Cuenca
Argentina, fuente potencial de recursos naturales, a partir de
estudios gravimétricos, magnéticos y sísmicos. Participa, también, en
trabajos de efectos del clima espacial en gasoductos y oleoductos,
estudiando los efectos de las tormentas magnéticas.

Patricia A. Larocca, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ingeniería, Instituto de Geodesia y Geofísica Aplicadas. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Patricia Alejandra Larocca is Director of the Institute of Applied Geodesy and Geophysics (IGGA) of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Buenos Aires (FIUBA). She has a doctorate in Engineering from the University of Buenos Aires, having developed her doctoral thesis at the Geomagnetic Laboratory dependent on the Canadian Center for Space Climate Forecasts, of the Natural Resources Center of Canada (NRCan). He specializes in the effects of space weather on technological systems. In addition, he is a specialist in studies on terrestrial magnetism. Dr. Larocca has extensive experience in geophysics, participating in multidisciplinary projects, in various projects on geomagnetic effects in energy systems, gas and oil pipelines. In addition, he conducts studies on multiple scientific topics related to space weather, from the effects of geomagnetic storms on power and pipeline systems to the satellite environment and space weather forecasting. She works as a collaborator in multiple research projects on the impacts of space weather on pipelines, electrical networks, and investigated ionized radiation in satellite orbits. Currently, he co-directs a research project at the Universidad de la Defensa (UNDEF), a research and development project at FIUBA (PIDAE) and participates in two research projects at UBA (UBACYT).

He is a member of evaluation commissions of the University of Buenos Aires, of the curricular commission of the Geodetic and Geophysical Engineering career, of the academic council of the IGGA, of the directive commission of the Argentine Association of Geophysicists and Geodesists. He is a member of the Argentine Physics Association, the Argentine Association of Geophysicists and Geodesists, and the Latin American Association of Space Geophysics. In addition, he has published more than 10 articles in high-impact journals, more than 20 presentations at international scientific meetings in the last 5 years. He is an arbitrator of national and international research journals such as GEOACTA, International Geophysics, INTECHOPEN, among others.