Petrogénesis of a Las Lajas Caldera lava and tectonic processes in Nicaragua

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Sthepen R. Alcorn


The Las Lajas Caldera, western Nicaragua, is one of three known early Quaternary volcanic centers on the eastern side of the Niearaguan Depression. A porphyritic basaltic andesite from Las Lajas was chosen for prelimináry examination as part of an extensive study to determine the relationships be:tween earIy Quaternary volcanism in Nicaragua, the belt of Recent volcanism approximately 50 km to the west, and the tectonic activity associated with the Middle America Trench.

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How to Cite
Alcorn, S. R. (1974). Petrogénesis of a Las Lajas Caldera lava and tectonic processes in Nicaragua. Geofisica Internacional, 14(1), 67–68.