Conductivity anomaly under the Andes

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M. Casaverde
A. Giesecke
R. Salgueiro
S. Del Pozo
L. Tamayo
L. T. Aldrich


Using additional measurements along; the Eastern Andes, between Peru and Bolivia an attempt was made to define the deep conductivity anomaly discovered in the last few years. By selecting a profile across the Andes, and the use of an anomalous conducivity model of semi-cylindrical shape, measurements obtained were tentatively adjusted.

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How to Cite
Casaverde, M., Giesecke, A., Salgueiro, R., Del Pozo, S., Tamayo, L., & Aldrich, L. T. (1968). Conductivity anomaly under the Andes. Geofisica Internacional, 8(2-4), 55–61.