Atenuación de las ondas de Love en una zona del Atlántico que comprende la plataforma de Las Bermudas y el arco volcánico del Caribe

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J. A. Canas


The mean values of the attenuation coefficients of Love Waves in the range 26 to 80 seconds for the trajectories between the stations BEC (Bermuda Island), SJG (Puerto Rico) and CAR (Venezuela) were determined. The attenuation coefficients thus obtained are abnormally high, particularly for the periods ranging from 26 to 50 seconds; such values do not agree with the relationships found for the Atlantic Ocean. This fact suggests that underneath the studied area a well developed zone of low Q values may exist.

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How to Cite
Canas, J. A. (1981). Atenuación de las ondas de Love en una zona del Atlántico que comprende la plataforma de Las Bermudas y el arco volcánico del Caribe. Geofisica Internacional, 20(1), 1–9.