A Source and Ground Motion Study of the Veracruz Earthquakes of 29 October 2009 (Mw5.7) and 4 August 2021 (Mw4.8): Evidence of Strong Azimuthal Variation of Attenuation
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We study two moderate earthquakes that occurred offshore the State of Veracruz, in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico, on 29 October 2009 (Mw 5.7) and 4 August 2021 (Mw 4.8). The former was located near the town of Alvarado and latter near the city of Veracruz. The events were well recorded by accelerographs and seismographs at local and regional distances. W-phase regional centroid moment tensor inversion reveals that they had reverse-faulting mechanism, similar to several other earthquakes in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico. Of the seven focal mechanisms now available along the southwestern margin, two are strike slip and the rest are of thrust type, suggesting a heterogeneous stress regime. We take advantage of local and regional recordings produced by these two earthquakes to study the characteristics of the ground motion. Source spectra computed at each station separately (without correcting for the site effect), assuming a reasonable geometrical spreading and Q = 141f 0.63, show remarkably high variability due to difference in path and local site effects. The geometric mean apparent source spectrum (source spectrum including site effects) of both earthquakes may be modeled by an ω2 -Brune source model with a stress drop, Δσ, of 40 MPa. These source spectra, along with the application of stochastic method, yield peak ground acceleration (PGA) and velocity (PGV) as a function of distance in general agreement with the observations. Of greater practical importance is the ground motion at sedimentary sites in the city of Veracruz and at the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant (LVNPP) site, especially from a postulated Mw 6.5 earthquake which is a reasonable scenario event for the region. For the city of Veracruz and LVNPP we estimate site effect with respect to the ω2 -Brune source with Δσ of 2 MPa. There is some support for this Δσ. We apply both stochastic and empirical Green’s functions (EGF) techniques in the estimation of the ground motion. The recording of the 2021 earthquake is taken as the EGF, and Δσ of the EGF and the target event are assumed to be the same and equal to 2 MPa. The predicted PGA and PGV at sedimentary sites in the city of Veracruz and LVNPP above the hypocenter (depth = 20 km) from the postulated Mw 6.5 earthquake are 0.2 g and 10 cm/s and 0.18 g and 3 cm/s, respectively. These results are preliminary as they are based on several assumptions.
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- Geofísica Internacional
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