Experimental Bedford limestone permeability dependence on confining stress and pore pressure. A comparative study with previous works

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Aarón Domínguez Torres
Enrique Serrano Saldaña
Manuel Coronado
Martín Alberto Díaz Viera
Ivan Llanos Rivera


The impact of changes in the state of the confining stress and pore pressure on the permeability of a rock is especially important in the exploitation of oil reservoirs, particularly due to the decreases in the reservoir fluid pressure during the extraction of hydrocarbons. Over the years, numerous experimental studies have been conducted with core samples that have shown a wide range of responses. In the present study, this effect was analyzed in Bedford limestone. Two different modes of confinement, hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic, are investigated. The permeability data obtained from the experiments are fitted to commonly used models based on confining stress, core pressure and effective stress. The results indicate that the linear models offer a satisfactory fit in both confinement modes. A relatively high effective stress coefficient of 5.78 is observed in the hydrostatic mode, while an unusual negative value of -1.63 is found in the non-hydrostatic mode. These results were examined in the context of published perme- ability data and fitting models. To facilitate this analysis, complete tables were prepared that integrate the information available from the literature on permeability experiments in sandstones and limestones.

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How to Cite
Domínguez Torres, A. ., Serrano Saldaña, E., Coronado, M. ., Díaz Viera, M. A., & Llanos Rivera, I. (2024). Experimental Bedford limestone permeability dependence on confining stress and pore pressure. A comparative study with previous works. Geofisica Internacional, 63(3), 1007–1032. https://doi.org/10.22201/igeof.2954436xe.2024.63.3.1742
Author Biographies

Aarón Domínguez Torres, Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo (IMP) Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas Norte 152, San Bartolo Atepehuacán, Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad de México.

Aarón Domínguez Torres is a student at the Mexican Petroleum Institute. His main research lines are fluid flow and rock mechanics. A. Domínguez is an electromechanical engineer graduated from Superior Technological Institute of San Andres Tuxtla, holds MSc in science in thermal fluids at the National Polytechnic Institute.

Enrique Serrano Saldaña, Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo (IMP) Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas Norte 152, San Bartolo Atepehuacán, Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad de México.

Enrique Serrano Saldaña is a specialist and research scientist at the Mexican Petroleum Institute in Mexico City. His research is focused on enhanced oil recovery. E. Serrano is a chemist graduated from National University of Mexico, holds a MSc in physical chemistry of surfaces in Metropolitan University and holds a PhD in mechanical engineering (thermal fluids) in National University of Mexico. He is an author of publications in international journals.

Manuel Coronado, Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo (IMP) Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas Norte 152, San Bartolo Atepehuacán, Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad de México.

Manuel Coronado is a research scientist at the Mexican Petroleum Institute, in Mexico City. His main research lines are fluid flow and transport processes in oil reservoirs. M. Coronado is a physicist graduated from the National University of Mexico and holds a PhD in physics from the Technical University of Munich in Germany. He is the author of many publications in international journals and is member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.

Martín Alberto Díaz Viera, Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo (IMP) Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas Norte 152, San Bartolo Atepehuacán, Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad de México.

Martín A. Díaz-Viera is a scientific researcher at the Mexican Petroleum Institute conducting research on fields of Geostatistics and Stochastic Modeling for Reservoir Characterization and Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Oil Recovery Processes. He is one of the editors of the book Mathematical and Numerical Modeling in Porous Media: Applications in Geosciences.

Ivan Llanos Rivera, Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo (IMP) Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas Norte 152, San Bartolo Atepehuacán, Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad de México.

Iván Llanos Rivera is specialist in hydrocarbon recovery at the Mexican Petroleum Institute. His mind line is focused on the development and innovation of experimental devices for tests at reservoir conditions. He is an electromechanical engineer by the Tlalnepantla Institute of Technology, Mexico City.


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