Integrated geophysical characterization of Owu Gold mineralization part of Kushaka- Kusheriki Schist Belt, Northcentral Nigeria

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Cyril Okpoli
Oladele Olaniyan
Anthony V. Oyeshomo
Promise Chidi


Integrated geophysical and geological surveys were used to characterize the gold mineralization at Owu, partof the Kushaka-Kusheriki schist belt in North Central Nigeria. Previous studies concentrated on geology and geochemical studies with no emphasis on the use of integrated studies and state-of-the-art tools aimed at characterizing gold mineralization. Detailed geological mapping was carried out to determine the various rock types and their structural framework. The geophysical surveys were carried out using the Proton Precession magnetometer and GDD 500 Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) equipment to delineate their degree of magnetic susceptibility and induced polarization and dataset was enhanced using Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT).The geological survey showed the different rock types within the area and the geophysical survey produced the image of the subsurface and near surface structures. The datasets were subjected to different forms of filtering using Oasis Montaj software, thereby delineating the trend and target areas of proved gold mineralization. Geologically, the study area consists of phyllite, mica schist, amphibole schist, phyllitic schist, biotite schist exposed in a schist shear zone. Regional NE-SW foliated and folded axes of quartz veins intruded the gold mineralized bodies. Structurally, granitic intrusions are observed in the NE-SW direction, parallel to the regional foliation of the rocks. The total magnetic intensity, the vertical derivatives, horizontal gradient and analytical signal images revealed the high and low magnetic areas, and indicated the structures and lineaments to be trending in the NE–SW direction. Time domain Induced Polarization delineated the east-west direction major fault zones. The chargeability areas are due to high conductivity which trends, in the NE–SW direction suggesting the presence of gold and other heavy metals. The area of low chargeability is resistive and could represent the quartz veins in the area.

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How to Cite
Okpoli, C., Olaniyan, O., Oyeshomo, A. V., & Chidi, P. (2024). Integrated geophysical characterization of Owu Gold mineralization part of Kushaka- Kusheriki Schist Belt, Northcentral Nigeria. Geofisica Internacional, 63(4), 1193–1207.


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