Ionospheric response to Huge Gas Explosion in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, on July 31, 2014

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Jyh Woei Lin


In this paper the two-dimensional Principal Component Analysis (2DPCA) was used to determine the total electron content (TEC) anomaly using the principal eigenvalue of 2DPCA as a mathematical indicator in the ionospheric response to the huge gas explosion in Kaohsiung city (22°36'39'N 120°19'8'E), Taiwan at 15: 59 (UT) on July 31, 2014. 2DPCA has been shown to be sensitive to detect weak TEC anomalies. 2DPCA gives a careful data handling description. Results have shown that a TEC anomaly over Taiwan was observed from 16:00 to 16:05 (UT). The acoustic shock waves have caused a TEC anomaly detectable without considering the atmosphere situation and traveling of acoustic shock waves during this explosion. The duration time of the TEC anomaly was at least 5 minutes. 

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How to Cite
Lin, J. W. (2018). Ionospheric response to Huge Gas Explosion in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, on July 31, 2014. Geofisica Internacional, 57(1), 59–65.