Active segment of the 12 November 2003 Mw 5.6 earthquake at Salsipuedes oceanic basin, Gulf of California. Mexico

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Leobardo López-Pineda
Luis Quintanar Robles
Carlos Isidro Huerta López
Héctor Enrique Rodríguez Lozoya


We analyzed records of eight seismic stations of the autonomous broadband seismograph network of a joint project between Utrecht University (the Netherlands), California Institute of Technology, and Centro de Investigación Científica y de Estudios Superiores de Ensenada (CICESE). These stations recorded the Mw 5.6 earthquake that occurred on 12 November 2003 at Salsipuedes basin in the middle of the Gulf of California 2 km west of the island Angel de la Guarda. This event was located at 29.16º N and 113.37º W, 30 km northeast of Bahia de los Angeles. A foreshock and hundreds of aftershocks were recorded in the 48 hours after its origin time. With the location of 29 earthquakes we identified the active segment, perpendicular to the main transform fault NW–SE of Canal de Ballenas, representing the transtensional boundary between the Pacific and North American plates. The direction of the active fault described is consistent with the normal fault mechanism reported by the National Earthquake Information Center (strike=39º, dip=34º, slip=–44º). From the duration magnitude of 456 aftershocks, we calculated a b-value of 1.14±0.28; furthermore, we calculated a seismic moment of (3.5 ±3.3)X1017Nm, a source radius of 3.7 ± 2.63 km, and a static stress drop of 3.94 ± 1.15 MPa (39.4 ± 11.5 bar.)

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How to Cite
López-Pineda, L., Quintanar Robles, L., Huerta López, C. I., & Rodríguez Lozoya, H. E. (2014). Active segment of the 12 November 2003 Mw 5.6 earthquake at Salsipuedes oceanic basin, Gulf of California. Mexico. Geofisica Internacional, 53(1), 17–26.

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