Morphologic analysis of the temporal change of forest cover

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Jorge Lira


A morphologic analysis of forest cover in a time span of twelve years is presented in this work. Two multispectral LANDSAT TM-4 images of the years 1989 and 2001 were used. These images cover a forest area where significant changes have occurred in such years. These images were expanded in terms of canonical expansion variables that describe the spatial spectral response of the forest masses. The images were modeled as a vector field of as many dimensions as the number of bands employed in the analysis. A vector field was constructed using canonical-variable bands. The set of canonical variables for each year was used to quantify a vector change of the forest masses. This vector change quantifies the degree of alteration of the forest masses. A region-growth algorithm was used to segment the areas occupied by the forest. This algorithm uses as input the canonical variables. The result of such segmentation is a binary image named the bitmap. From this bitmap, a morphologic analysis of the area occupied by the forest was undertaken. A DEM generated from a radar interferometric pair of the RADARSAT 1 satellite, was used to perform a cross-reference with the bitmaps. This cross-reference leads to the derivation of the elevation of occurrence of changes in the forest masses.

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How to Cite
Lira, J. (2014). Morphologic analysis of the temporal change of forest cover. Geofisica Internacional, 53(2), 117–133.