Edge enhancement in multispectral satellite images by means of vector operators

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Jorge Lira
Alejandro Rodríguez


Edge enhancement is an element of analysis to derive the spatial structure of satellite images. Two methods to extract edges from multispectral satellite images are presented. A multispectral image is modeled as a vector field with a number of dimensions equal to the number of bands in the image. In this model, a pixel is defined as a vector formed by a number of elements equal to the number of bands. Two vector operators are applied to such vector field. In our first method, we extend the definition of the gradient. In this extension, the vector difference of the window central pixel with neighboring pixels is obtained. A multispectral image is then generated where each pixel represents the maximum change in spectral response in the image in any direction. This image is named a multispectral gradient. The other method, considers the generalization of the Laplacian by means of an h-dimensional Fourier transform. This image is named a multispectral Laplacian. The vector operators perform a simultaneous extraction of edge-content in the spectral bands of a multispectral image. Our methods are parameter-free. Our methods work for a multispectral image of any number of bands. Two examples are discussed that involve multispectral satellite images at two scales. We compare our results with widely used edge enhancement procedures. The evaluation of results shows better performance of proposed methods when compared to widely used edge operators.

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How to Cite
Lira, J., & Rodríguez, A. (2014). Edge enhancement in multispectral satellite images by means of vector operators. Geofisica Internacional, 53(3), 289–308. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0016-7169(14)71506-5