Indoor radon concentrations above bauxite ground

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N. Antovich
V. V. Uvarov
P. Vukotich
S. Dapchevich


Uranium content in bauxite is generally several times higher than its average occurrence in the Earth’s crust. Bauxite deposits in Montenegro are widespread in the Niksich region. Some settlements are built above these deposits, and some detached family houses have basements directly in bauxite ground. Indoor radon measurements in this region were performed in such places, and in places where there is no presence of bauxite. Radon was measured on the ground floor, using cellulose nitrate detectors exposed 3 months during the winter season. The results show that bauxite ground produces a high indoor radon level. However, all measured concentrations are below the tolerance of 400 Bq/m3 adopted in Yugoslavia, except in two houses built directly on bauxite ground, where indoor radon concentration reached 540 Bq/m3 and 676 Bq/m3.

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How to Cite
Antovich, N., Uvarov, V. V., Vukotich, P., & Dapchevich, S. (2002). Indoor radon concentrations above bauxite ground. Geofisica Internacional, 41(3), 321–323.

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