Relocation and seismotectonic interpretation of the seismic swarm of August – December of 2012 in the Linares area, northeastern Mexico

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Carmen M. Gómez-Arredondo
Montalvo-Arrieta Montalvo-Arrieta
Arturo Iglesias-Mendoza
Victor H. Espíndola-Castro


We relocated 52 events of 2.5 ≤ Mc ≤ 3.6 from a seismic sequence of over 250 events that occurred during July-December 2012 southwest of the Linares area, northeastern Mexico. To examine this swarm four seismic stations were installed in the region and operated during different time periods from September to December. Relocation of the swarm showed that the earthquake hypocentral depths were at 8 (±5) km, and the time residuals had values ≤ 0.38 s. The fault plane solutions were generated for individual earthquakes and through the use of the composite mechanism technique. The focal mechanism solutions show pure reverse faulting; the SW dipping NNW – SSE trending nodal plane is the inferred fault plane (strike ~150°, dip ~50° and rake ~67°), which reveals that maximum horizontal stress (SHmax > Shmin > Sv) predominates in the area.

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How to Cite
Gómez-Arredondo, C. M. ., Montalvo-Arrieta, J. C. ., Iglesias-Mendoza, A. ., & Espíndola-Castro, V. H. . (2016). Relocation and seismotectonic interpretation of the seismic swarm of August – December of 2012 in the Linares area, northeastern Mexico. Geofisica Internacional, 55(2), 95–106.