Source parameters, focal mechanisms and stress tensor inversion from moderate earthquakes and its relationship with subduction Zone

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Tonatiuh Domínguez R.
Héctor E. Rodríguez Lozoya
Gabriel Reyes D.
Luis Quintanar Robles
Armando Aguilar Meléndez
Héctor E. Rodríguez Leyva
Jesús Martín Leal Graciano


Nine earthquakes occured between 2005 and 2009, with magnitudes between 4.9 and 5.5, at the zone that correspond to the triple junction of the Cocos, Rivera and North America plates were relocated. Records from RESCO seismic stations were used together with records from SSN seismic network. Source parameters were estimated: source dimension, seismic moment, stress drop, average displacement and source time. The seismic moment tensor inversion was used to estimate focal mechanism and seismic moment to compare then whit short and long period estimation of these parameters. A stress tensor inversion was also performed in order to evaluate stress state of the area of study. The results indicate a compressive stress regime, which is characteristic of a subduction zone. It is interesting however, that plunge of σ1 goes from a moderate angle in the northwest to sub-horizontal in the southeast. The existence of normal and strike-slip mechanisms is also interesting in a subduction zone. Their existence was interpreted in terms of the interaction of Cocos and Rivera plates in this tectonically complicate zone. 

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How to Cite
Domínguez R., T. ., Rodríguez Lozoya, H. E. ., Reyes D., G., Quintanar Robles, L., Aguilar Meléndez, A. ., Rodríguez Leyva, H. E. ., & Leal Graciano, J. M. . (2019). Source parameters, focal mechanisms and stress tensor inversion from moderate earthquakes and its relationship with subduction Zone. Geofisica Internacional, 58(2), 127–137.

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