Post-paleozoic tectonics of northeast mexico and its role in the evolution of the Gulf of Mexico

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R.J. Padilla y Sánchez


The Mesozoic sedimentary evolution of northeastern Mexico is shown by means of severa! regional paleogeographic maps. Also, on the basis of different styles of folding, an álternative model for the Early Tertiary deformation of northeast Mexico is proposed, as well as a plate tectonics set of paleo-reconstructions, based mainly upon the existence of severa! NW trending sinistral transcurrent faults and one NNW dextral transcurrent fault (Tamaulipas-Oaxaca Fault), along which the Yucatan block moved southward (Late Jurassic) from its former position at the present. site of the Gulf of Mexico.

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How to Cite
Padilla y Sánchez, R. (1986). Post-paleozoic tectonics of northeast mexico and its role in the evolution of the Gulf of Mexico. Geofisica Internacional, 25(1), 157–206.