Bosquejo sismotectónico del sur de Mexico

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R. Mota Palomino
J. Andrieux
J. Bonnin


The seismic zone of southern Mexico can be divided in four regions of different characteristics even though the seismic activity as a whole is considered as a result of the interaction among the Pacific, Northamerica, Cocos, Caribbean and Rivera plates. In this paper sorne of the differences are shown. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec and the coast of Chiapas are the best differenciated regions. For the remaining regions: Oaxaca, Guerrero-Michoacán and Jalisco-Colima sorne peculiarities resulting from the analysis of seismicity and sorne focal mechanisms solutions are shown. Thus, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec-Chiapas region seems to be a transition between a zone of normal subduction (Central America) and an anomalous one (Oaxaca) which is comparable to the central part of Peru in South America. The Guerrero-Michoacán region shows sorne complications that can be attributed to the proximity of the interception of the East Pacific Ridge, the Acapulco trench and the Rivera fault. The Jalisco-Colima región shows a marked reduction in the frequency of occurrence of seismic activity.

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Mota Palomino, R., Andrieux, J., & Bonnin, J. (1986). Bosquejo sismotectónico del sur de Mexico. Geofisica Internacional, 25(1), 207–231.


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