Predicción del campo de las isohipsas, a partir de la solución de una ecuación tipo elíptica por serie de Fourier

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T. Castro
L. Le Moyne H.
E. Villanueva U.


The stream function is expressed like a double Fourier Series in an equation of the elliptical kind; this has been transformed in a set of linear equations for the coefficients. These equations have been resolved, for forecasting purpose, using numerical integration neglecting thelarge scales of movement. The initial coefficients are approached by using double integrals of trigonometric functions. The working area is limited to latitudes 10° and 46°north; and by longitudes 65° and 125° west, with a 4°spacing. For maximum wavelength the zonal and meridional waves of 6 649 km and 4 150 km, respectively, have been used; these give the wave numbers and the Fourier Serie limits. The forecasting precision rate has been obtained by the Pearson correlation index, finding a maximum correlation of 0.85.

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How to Cite
Castro, T., Moyne H., L. L., & Villanueva U., E. (1985). Predicción del campo de las isohipsas, a partir de la solución de una ecuación tipo elíptica por serie de Fourier. Geofisica Internacional, 24(2), 245–264.

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