Crustal thickness, heat flow, arc magmatism, and tectonics of Mexico-preliminary report
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Preliminary crustal thickness and heat flow maps of Mexico are presented. Isopachs roughly follow the coastline of the western margin and the shape of the Gulf of Mexico in the east. Crust is thicker (>- 40 km) beneath the central-southern portion of the Altiplano and the central-eastern portion of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. Heat flow is generally higher than 1.5 HFU, except for the Precambrian Paleozoic terranes of southern Mexico and the northern portion of the Gulf of Mexico plain (-lHFU). High heat flow (>2HFU) is observed in the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, which represent Mesozoic-early Cenozoic and Late Cenozoic magmatic arcs, respectively.
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