Geología de la Cuenca de México

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E. Vazquez Sánchez
R. A. Jaimes Palomera


A study of the geologic evolution ofthe Basin ofMexico located in the central part of the Trans-american Volcanic Arc (TVA) has be en supported by stratigraphic, structural and petrochemical data. The results show that during the Aptian and the Turonian, carbonate sedimentation is the most significant. Changes of sedimentation from calcareous to flysch type occurred between Coniacian and Campanian times. During the Maestrichtian and Early Eocene the Cretaceous rocks were folded as a consequence of the Laramide orogeny. After the last stages of Laramide folding during Late Eocene-Early Oligocene, conjugate faulting and contemporaneous continental cl¡¡.stic molasse type sediments with alkaline effusive activity occurred. Calc-alkaline volcanic rocks from andesitic to ryolitic composition and Late Oligocene-Early Miocene ages are contemporaneous with ignimbritic volcanic activity of the Middle Tertiary Magmatic Arc. Volcanic events in genetic relation with the TV A and PlioQuaternary faults in E-W direction are represented by: calc-alkaline basaltic andesites, andesites and dacites of Late-Middle Miocene, Early Pliocene, Late Pliocene and Quaternary age; calc-alkaline and alkaline basalts from the Plio-Quaternary; and calc-alkaline basalts, basaltic andesites and andesites of Quaternary age. The closing of the Basin of Mexico and subsequent lacustrine sedimentation of Pleistocene-Holocene ages originated as a consequence of intense volcanic activity which formed the Chichinautzin range.

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Vazquez Sánchez, E., & Jaimes Palomera, R. A. (1989). Geología de la Cuenca de México. Geofisica Internacional, 28(2), 133–190.


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