Contribución para la administración científica del agua subterránea de la Cuenca de México
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In this paper, a new model of the aquifer system of the Basin of Mexico is prescnted. This system consists of four water bodies each one presenting different characteristics and hydraulic behaviour. The upper water body is an aquitard with average thickness of 70 m where flow is essentially vertical. Under this formation there is a granular aquifcr 800 m average thickness, wherc groundwater exploitation is performed in thc upper 300 m. Sublaying both formations a volcanic aquifer 2000 m mean thickness is located, limitcd below by carbonate sedimentary rocks of unknown thickncss and characteristics. Tis system was modelled in three dimensions with four laycrs of 1344 cclls each, simulating the aquitard through Herrera's intcgrodifferential formulation. Preliminary results indica te that for intermediate times of an order of fifteen years, the input from the carbonatcd sedimcntary body is not significant for the behavior of the uppcr bodies.
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- Academic society
- Geofísica Internacional
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