Captura y procesamiento de datos magnetotelúricos

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J.M. Romo
M. Martínez
H. Fabriol
R. Vega
R. Fernández
R. Vazquez


This work describes in detail a data acquisition and processing system for magnetotelluric data. The system is capable of doing real time data processing, that is, at the time of acquisition and also uses the remote reference technique to get a better estimation of the tensor impedance. First we describe the system as a whole, pointing out the principal hardware components. Next, we present the hardware-software link of the system and finally we show the tests carried out with synthetic and field data. The results from these tests indicate that the system performs satisfactorily. This system is an integral part of the research carried out by the geophysical exploration group at CICESE on the magnetotelluric method.

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How to Cite
Romo, J., Martínez, M., Fabriol, H., Vega, R., Fernández, R., & Vazquez, R. (1982). Captura y procesamiento de datos magnetotelúricos. Geofisica Internacional, 21(4), 377–402.


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