Pseudosecciones geoeléctricas e implicaciones geohidrológicas en el Valle de Colima
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Relistivity response of different lava flows at the Colima Valley are interpretated with Ebert-Ka-lenov and curve matching methods, detecting resistivities as deep as 700 m, with maximum electrode separation (AR) of 2 000 musing Schlumberger arrays. In the interpretation of the vertical electrical soundings, seven geoelectrical layers were recognized, however in some cases only 3 layers were identified. Materials with medium permeabilities in 3 zones have been infered for the Colima Valley, which are in order of increasing depth: (I) alluvial sediments (sands, clays and gravels) up to 40 m of thickness, (2) volcanic materials in the bottom of the valley with apparent discontinuities and variations, and (3) solid rocks probably formed by a fractured clayed limestone which sometimes may be drained. The suggestion is made that suitable conditions for underground water flow can be exploited in the two first zones to depths down to 300 m.
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- Geofísica Internacional
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