Magnetic comparison of explosion craters and volcanic cones

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Roman Alvárez
Lucrecia Maupome
Ariel Ariel


The magnetic responses of various volcanic structures show that cinder cones systematically present the strongest magnetic responses, while explosion craters with ash rings appear to be weakly magnetized. Structures that arc or the collapse type, which may or not be associated with an explosive origin, do not show systematic magnetic behavior. These results suggest that ash rings appear when the initial explosion is shallow, while deep explosions tend to produce surface features of the collapse type. The inference is made that the intrusive rhyolites known as Las Derrumbadas in the Oriental-Serdan Basin may be a geothermal source.

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How to Cite
Alvárez, R., Maupome, L., & Ariel, A. (1976). Magnetic comparison of explosion craters and volcanic cones. Geofisica Internacional, 16(1), 63–94.