Los Humeros Caldera
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The present issue of Geofisica Internacional is devoted to Los Humeros Caldera, a young. volcanic structure located in central-eastern Mexico. The motivation for studying the area arose from its potentiatl as a geothermal source. The results and analyses presenteg herein encompass seismic, gravity, magnetic,tellurie, self-potential, and surface temperature data. Mexico has two major tectonic areas in which the production of electricity from geothermatl sources may become of economic relevance to the country: the Mexican Volcanic Belt (also called Trans-Mexican Neo-volcanic Axis) and the Gulf of California (Alvarez, 1976).
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- Academic society
- Geofísica Internacional
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ALVAREZ, R., 1976. La geotermia y alternativas energéticas de México, Ciencia y Desarrollo, 10, 3-13.
ALVAREZ, R. (this issue), Telluric, self-potential, and surface temperature profiles on Los Humeros caldera.
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ORDÓÑEZ, E., 1906. Los Xalapazcos del Estado de Puebla, 2a. Parte, Imprenta y Fototipia de la Secretaría de Fomento, México. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.137514
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PONCE, L., and C. RODRÍGUEZ (this issue), Microearthquakes activity associated to Los Humeros caldera, México: preliminary survey.
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