On the evaluation of atmospheric turbidity parameters from actinometric data.

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Murari Lal


Under average turbidity conditions, large variations in atmospheric turbidity parameters, namely the wavelength exponent α and turbidity coefficient β, were obtained when the usual Angstrom 's technique employing the graphical representation of intensity values in broad spectral bands was adopted. With a view to improving the accuracy in the determination of turbidity parameter α, numerical integration of the actinometric data was performed using most recent values of the solar spectrum and the transmissivity of the classical Schott filters. This paper shows that the amplitudes of turbidity parameter α thus derived are real and yield more accurate values of turbidity in the atmosphere.

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How to Cite
Lal, M. (1972). On the evaluation of atmospheric turbidity parameters from actinometric data. Geofisica Internacional, 12(2), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.22201/igeof.00167169p.1972.12.2.1021


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