Preliminary chemical and petrographic results of the march-april "El Chichon" volcanics

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R. M. Prol Ledesma
F. Medina
D. Ya. Choporov
D. I. Frikh K.
G. N. Muravitskaya
B. G. Polak
M. I. Stepanets


Chemical and petrographic analyses were done for three samples of the products of "El Chichon", March-April eruption. Chemical analyses yield an andesitic composition for the magma with a high gas-content. Petrographic analyses show anhydrite in two of the samples, this is interpreted as a result of contamination with sulphur waters and evaporites, observed in the area. Obtained results may indicate a very shallow magma chamber. The total mass of the water soluble components ejected was calculated to be of the order of 31.8 x 106 Ton., assuming a total mass of the ejecta of 0.5 km3.

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How to Cite
Prol Ledesma, R. M., Medina, F., Choporov, D. Y., Frikh K., D. I., Muravitskaya, G. N., Polak, B. G., & Stepanets, M. I. (1982). Preliminary chemical and petrographic results of the march-april "El Chichon" volcanics. Geofisica Internacional, 21(1), 1–10.


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SEAN Bulletin 1982, a, Vol. 7, No. 4

SEAN Bulletin 1982, b, Vol. 7, No. 5