Concentración del aerosol mineral en la zona sur de la Ciudad de México

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J. L. Bravo
S. Salazar


In order to determine the concentration of natural aerosol of continental origin produced by the aerial effects, one hundred and seventy nine samples were collected (July 79 - August 80) at the atmospheric radiation observatory in the south part of Mexico City. The results of the analysis show the annual variation of the mineral aerosol defined for two periods, one of low concentration (geometric mean 34.81 μg/m3) and the other of high concentration (geometric mean 70.04 μg/m3) which coincide with the rainy season and the dry season respectively. The concentration distributions were represented by log-normal functions. However for the dry period a bi-modal distribution was found. The "t" Student criterion was applied to statistically demonstrate the absence of accumulation of mineral aerosol along the week, the higher mineral aerosol concentrations come from E-ESE region during the dry season and from W-WNW during the rainy season. These areas correspond to Tlahuac, Tulyehualco and Xochimilco, and Santa Lucía, Cuajimalpa and Contadero, respectively.

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How to Cite
Bravo, J. L., & Salazar, S. (1982). Concentración del aerosol mineral en la zona sur de la Ciudad de México. Geofisica Internacional, 21(2), 139–155.


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